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Syria: Neocons Get Almost Giddy


Elliott Abrams, a top Mideast aide to Bush who Trump rejected as deputy secretary of state reportedly as a result of Bannon’s opposition, thus exulted in the Weekly Standard over Thursday’s strike with the kind of capitalized flattery that appeared as carefully targeted at Trump’s enormous ego as the most sophisticated cruise missile. No doubt, Abrams still entertains hopes of getting a top post in the administration if Bannon’s declining influence is true.

Bill Kristol—the Standard’s editor-at-large and co-founder and director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which did so much to coordinate with the Bush administration in rallying elite support for the Iraq invasion— declared Abrams’s analysis a “must read” in a tweet issued Friday morning.

At the same time, however, the military has learned through painful experience, notably in Iraq, that indulging neocon notions such as “regime change” and “nation-building” is the road to perdition. If the neocons want to gain influence with the ascendant powers in the administration—Mattis, McMaster, and the brass—they have to proceed delicately, one step at a time. For example, Kristol’s tweet Saturday afternoon  – “Punishing Assad for use of chemical weapons is good. Regime change in Iran is the prize” – is not going to help their cause. Similarly, if you’re looking for slippery slopes, look no further than the advice proffered by Kristol’s partner-in-hegemonism at PNAC and FPI, Bob Kagan, who argued for a slew of follow-up steps in a column entitled “What Must Come Next in Syria” in the Washington Post Sunday.

If Trump Loses Bannon, Trump Loses the Presidency


I bet big on Donald Trump in the 2016 elections, rather famously.  Now I will be shorting Trump stock for the foreseeable future until Bannon, and Bannon-ism, returns to policy dominance in the White House.

Should Trump ever lose Bannon entirely, Trump is a lame duck.  Some media suggest that Trump could replace Bannon with Jared Kushner. Jared Kushner is to Steve Bannon what Dan Quayle was to JFK. 

Bannon – uniquely among the Trump team – threads together the policy weaves of the Trump electoral majority, a majority dependent upon newfound GOP support from the working class, especially in the northern half of the country, but also the southern upcountry and Appalachia.

Three issues allowed Trump to distinguish himself, both in the GOP primaries and in the general election, to appeal to these GOP skeptic voting constituencies:

Michael Savage Begs Trump To Stop WWIII

Neocons Win! Mainstream Media Criticism Of Trump Comes To Screeching Halt With Missile Attack On Syria


For the first time all year the mainstream media is NOT bashing Trump! And that should be all that anyone needs to see to be convinced that up to now Trump has been a threat to the ruling elite’s (Liberal Left and Neocon) new world order plans. Yes, these globalists are operating right in front of us as millions of Americans on the Liberal Left have been brainwashed by their leaders to think that Trump is “Hitler,” an “isolationist” and a dangerous “nationalist” for not going along with the globalist agenda. Note to the Liberal Left: if Trump continues aggression in Syria or anywhere in the Middle East and aligns himself with the globalists, all of a sudden all of your (“social justice warrior”) criticism of Trump will be labeled “conspiracies” by the very same mainstream media that had been bashing Trump up to now for not cooperating with the globalist agenda.

Neocon Fury Over Trump’s Syria Policy. “Get Assad Out” is No Longer “Our Priority”

Syria was invaded by US-created and supported terrorists – ISIS, al-Nusra and others. So-called “moderate rebels” don’t exist, one of many Big Lies about ongoing conflict.

All wars depend on deception and Big Lies. Truth-telling exposes them, why belligerents and supportive media scoundrels suppress them.

Syria was aggressively attacked. Assad acts responsibly in defending his nation and people.

He’s not slaughtering them. Nor is he using chemical or other banned weapons.

Syria is an independent nation threatening no others. Russia and Iran support its sovereignty, territorial integrity and right of its people to decide who’ll lead them – free from foreign interference, as international law requires.