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Rocky Montana

April 9, 2017

On April 7, 2017, President Trump ordered a massive strike on the Syrian Shayrat Air Base (Homs province) using 59 Tomahawk missiles launched from two US Navy destroyers located in the Mediterranean Sea near Crete.  The attack reportedly killed six Syrian citizens. 

President Trump, you may be "very smart", but you didn't display much intelligence or discernment in your decision to strike Syria.  The premise that the US must be the policeman of the world has no basis in US Constitutional law.  So, what Constitution are you following?--a foreign constitution like the UN Constitution, perhaps, or Admiralty law, perhaps, which suspends indefinitely the US Constitution in a declaration of war?  But if you now intend forsake the US Constitution and play top cop of an international police force, shouldn't you be starting with morality, legality and the rule of law?  


You have murdered innocent Syrians in your missile strike.  Is this moral?  I don't think so.  Did Syria threaten the United States in any way?  I don't think so.  God's law states: "You Shall Not Murder Your Fellow Man.  In the Bible of the “so-called” Christians, this law is written simply as “Thou Shalt Not Kill” which leaves room for misunderstanding of interpretation.  What this law means is you shall not WISH death upon another human being of God in YOUR THOUGHTS as well as you shall not commit physical murder of another human.  This rule does not mean you cannot defend yourself and your family if your lives are threatened, because that is SUICIDE which is SELF-MURDER and so also against God’s laws." (1)   Just because the US government is secretly operating under Admiralty law, no one can suspend God's laws; there are consequences with every violation of God's laws, especially murder.

Legality and the Rule of Law  

The Syrian government has done nothing against the United States and yet you have prejudged President Assad-government in absentia, before knowing the truth of the alleged chemical attack.  A man is presumed innocent unless proven guilty, remember?  This is a universal axiom which must not only apply to American citizens, but also every human being!  Instead of acting like a true statesman and calling for a comprehensive investigation of this chemical attack, as President Putin has intelligently done, you have acted like an international bully and tyrant in the eyes of the world.  Does your hasty, ill conceived act of aggression toward the sovereign nation of Syria have any basis in either US or UN law.  I don't think so.    

Mr. President, your act of aggression against Syria was an unprovoked, unConstitutional and illegal act of war any way you cut it.  You have killed innocent Syrians while the Syrians have not attacked the US.  There are now reports flooding the internet confirming that the chemical attack was not caused by the Syrian government, but unknown "rebels" to set up Assad for a coup attempt.  Unfortunately, you have been blinded and manipulated by the lies and disinformation of top CIA (Criminal Intent Agency) and DOD intelligence "experts", who are nearly all Rothschild-Zionist agents, stooges or dupes and who are a large part of the "Washington Swamp", you so adamantly railed against in you Presidential campaign.  You have believed their false narratives without proof of who was responsible for this chemical attack.  You have allowed these Washington Swamp creatures turn you to the dark side.  The blood of innocent Syrians is now on your hands.  You have become another dupe and tool of the evil Rothschild cabal, like so many other U.S. Presidents have before you.  This is indeed, a sad chapter in American history.  By the way, evoking "God's wisdom"--as you did in your speech to the nation--after you signed off and committed the error of commission is an insincere and disingenuous gesture which dishonors God, yourself, and the nation you represent.  

Instead of falsely blaming President Assad, you and the U.S. Intelligence community should be keeping close tabs on Rothschild agents within the Israeli Mossad (disguised as "ISIS" and "Syrian rebels") who are embedded into every Arab nation at this time, especially Syria, and who are the ones most likely behind both the 2013 and this 2017 chemical attacks.  Stop this latest coup attempt against Syrian President Assad.  Read and learn the truth provided in the articles below, and correct your course of action before it's too late.  Meet with President Putin and President Assad and discuss/resolve this situation/event like the true statesman that we know you can and want to be.


(1)  Phoenix Journal 27, THE PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL, pp. 29-30.




Rocky Montana

April 9, 2017

Why all the fuss over Syria?  It was not because of the alleged chemical attacks by the Syrian government against Syrian citizens in both 2013 and 2017, and the failed coup attempts that followed.  Nor was it because of a civil war that began in 2011 under the Obama regime.  Nor was it due to wars and failed coup attempts against Syrian Presidents that occurred earlier.  Those things were effects of the conflict, not the cause.  The ongoing US-Syria-Russia conflict began 50 plus years.   

Syria is a largely desertous land except for her western-coastal and northwest regions.  She does have natural resources including oil.  Syria's western border ends on the Mediterranean Sea and therefore has important import, export and naval harbors as well as tourist significance.  Syria's location in the Middle East provides her important military strategic and tactical advantages.  These things are all contributing factors as to why there has been so much strife in this tiny country, but there are other reasons that are scarcely talked about.

One major reason I want to focus on here is directly connected to the Rothschild family cabal which began over 50 years ago.  After the Palestinian land, now called "Israel", was stolen from the Palestinians and made an unlawful nation-state of the Rothschilds in 1948, the Rothschild cabal set its sights on Syria.  In 1949 they ordered the CIA and Israeli Mossad to begin meddling in Syrian affairs, i.e., bribing and blackmailing military generals and government officials, embedding Mossad agents into the Syrian military and government, and attempting coup d'états against the legitimate  Syrian President and government.

In the 1960s the Rothschilds joint ventured with Saudi Arabia to run a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) pipeline from the Saudi's vast underground stores through Syria, Turkey, into Eastern and Western Europe.  Rothschild's intent was to monopolize natural gas distribution to all of Europe thus crippling one of Russia's most lucrative exports.  Russia supplied much of Eastern and Western Europe's LNG needs.  It is projected that by 2020, she will supply Western Europe with 30% of its LNG needs.  The Rothschild-Saudi natural gas pipeline has been completed for many years except for the section that was to run through Syria.  Syrian President Hafez al-Assad (1971-2000) refused Rothschild's bribes and resisted their strong-arm tactics because Assad knew it would hurt Syria's largest trading and strategic partner, the Soviet Union--now the Russian Federation.  Following the death of President Hafez al-Assad in 2000, his son Bashar al-Assad became President of Syria.  Like his father before him, President Bashar al-Assad also turned down Rothschild's pipeline proposal for the same reasons.

From the time of the first refusal by Assad up to present day, the Rothschild cabal has been at war with Assad and the Syrian government.  All the coup attempts and staged civil wars and against both President Hafez al-Assad and President Bashar al-Assad were at the order of the Rothschilds and carried out by the Rothschild controlled CIA-Mossad-MI6 and US military.  All the name-calling by US government officials, US mainstream media presstitutes, and mindless talking heads against Syria and Russia is also at the order of the Rothschilds, with the intent overthrowing the Syrian President in power and installing a Rothschild strawman to the Presidency so that the Rothschild cabal can, at last, have its natural gas pipeline and gain market share of the lucrative natural gas industry in Europe.

In 2009 Bashar al-Assad rejected a Qatar-Turkey LNG pipeline proposal to run across Syrian territory, knowing that Qatar is controlled by the US and, therefore, controlled by the Rothschild cabal.

In 2012, both Assad and Putin approved the Iran LNG Pipeline for the same purpose.  The US Rothschild stooges in the Obama Administration, Congress and the MSM all lit their hair on fire over this and began ranting against Assad and Putin, calling for the removal of Assad and war with Russia which has continued unabated for the past 5 years.  The failures of these propaganda attacks caused Rothschild to turn to more physical and damaging tactics which came in the form of the two latest chemical attacks and deaths of Syrian citizens.  (You should know at this point that the Rothschild cabal has no qualms against sacrificing human lives to accomplish their goals.)  President Putin came to Syria's defense in 2013-14 to avert a U.S.-Syrian war and coup d'état attempt against President Assad's administration.  We are now, in 2017, experiencing a rerun of that failed coup d'état against President Assad.   

Know that any US official now calling for regime change and/or calling for war with Syria and/or Russia is either a ROTHSCHILD AGENT, STOOGE OR DUPE.  The Rothschild cabal wants and has spent the past 50 years trying to get control of Syria chiefly for the purpose of the completing the Rothschild-Saudi pipeline, but also to plunder Syria's natural resources, exploit her strategic-tactical potential and vast naval and commercial seaport potential.  The Rothschilds don't play fair; they take by force; they are sore losers; they have great resolve; they never give up, and they have nearly unlimited assets and influence around the world to accomplish their goals.  The Rothschild cabal waited several generations to cause and implement: the Bolshevik Revolution, the assassination of the Russian Royal Family, and seize control of Russia which they maintained control of for some 70 years.  The Rothschild family-cabal is the most evil and most powerful crime family on this planet at this time.    

You have been warned, world, the Rothschild cabal are at the center and cause of the "Washington D.C. Swamp" and nearly all conflicts and wars throughout the Middle East.  The Rothschild cabal is the real enemy of sovereign America and the world!  May you use this information wisely.