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Trump Train vs Crazy Train

Joe Dan Gormer

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It’s not just liberal media that’s going crazy during these first months of the Trump Administration— Trump is also playing a little havoc with the right wing media too — albeit for different reasons.

We’ve watched as the hysterics of the irrational left morphed into white noise— their freshly acheived plateau of irrelevancy is second only to their wildly misplaced arrogance.  Yet amazingly, they seem undeterred and impervious to embarrassment.

Nobody’s paying attention to them anymore.

Well, except for a lot of our friends on the right, who jobs rely on news, news and more news.

If President Trump weren’t unpredictable enough, he’s doing nothing by the book. AS a result, I’m noticing many of the trusted voices on the right, that beautifully analyze the news—- are now in the unenviable position of trying to predict the news… in other words: What in the hell is Trump going to do next?  Why is he doing this? Why did he say that? And they’re at further disadvantage of using an old playbook— Democrat vs Republican.

Trump brought his own playbook.

One of the sources for this episode was an excellent piece The Teflon Don Grinds Down #TheResistance, by Kurt Schlichter.