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Trump Memo of Support

Jared C

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President Donald Trump has a giant bullseye on his back.


And compared to what's right around the corner, I'm worried all of the George Soros-funded riots, protests and violence we've witnessed at the hands of left-wing groups over the past few months will look like child's play.


Even as I write you, the open borders lobby, the national media and the establishment of BOTH parties are scheming to bring Donald Trump to his knees.


-- They're insisting that Donald Trump "soften" his stance on illegal immigration.



-- They're demanding that Donald Trump "back away" from his calls to build a wall and secure the border.



-- And they're demanding that Donald Trump reverse his pledge to deport even one illegal immigrant.



That's why Donald Trump must hear from you.


Will you please sign the "STAND YOUR GROUND" Memo of Support I've crafted for you right away?


As you'll see, this Memo of Support urges Donald Trump not to back down in the face of media-driven hysteria against his border security plans.


I can't begin to explain what a DISASTER it would be should the open-borders lobby and the national media succeed.


After all, the illegal immigration issue is a MAJOR reason why Donald Trump won the election for President of the United States, shocking the American political establishment.



The American people understand border security is critical to our very survival as a nation, and they're FED UP with politicians who REFUSE to lift a finger to fight back.


Already, the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants are inflicting huge costs on American citizens, including:


>>> Costing taxpayers BILLIONS as nearly two-thirds of illegals use at least one major government welfare program;


>>> Destroying the cultural foundations of American liberty as illegals are taught by politicians and social welfare bureaucrats to HATE the very concepts of freedom and individual responsibility that have made the U.S. a magnet to those seeking a better life;


>>> Sending U.S. crime rates skyrocketing as illegal immigrants account for almost 40% of murders committed in many U.S. states! That's not even counting drug crimes, rape or kidnappings.


Yet, that hasn't stopped BOTH parties from working hand-in-glove to keep the floodgates open for illegal immigrants.


Establishment "Wall Street" Republicans want the steady source of cheap labor.


Democrats want the ready-made list of taxpayer dependents they can use to gain PERMANENT political power in Washington, D.C.


And as political correctness continues to DESTROY every last shred of common sense in government, judges are holding Trump's travel ban, permitting even more dangerous Islamic refugees into our country!


Buried in this sea of refugees lurk bloodthirsty ISIS thugs who stand ready to bring their barbaric brand of terrorism to our shores.


Yet, our politicians are inviting them in with open arms -- and forcing U.S. taxpayers to foot the bill for their housing and food!


That's why the establishment of BOTH parties -- along with their pals in the national media -- have done everything in their power to undermine Donald Trump since his inauguration.



It hasn't worked.


But now, open-border globalists from around the world -- and even within our own judicial system -- are conspiring against him.


That means the stakes are higher than ever.


That means Donald Trump is about to start feeling the heat like never before.


And the temptation to "make nice" with the open-borders lobby will be greater than ever.


As I mentioned, all those George Soros-funded "protests" we've seen over the past few months are likely just the beginning.


More ugliness is in store.


More riots and violence are almost assuredly in the works.


Media elites, party insiders and high-paid consultants will all be saying the same thing...


"You have to soften your image to win. Just backtrack a little. Just hint that you didn't really mean all that 'wall' stuff."



That's why Donald Trump must hear from you.


Will you please sign the Memo of Support I've made for you, telling Donald Trump to "STAND YOUR GROUND!"



If I can generate a stack of Memos of Support from good folks like you all over the country, it will help me prove that Americans will not tolerate more games with our border security.


But I hope you won't stop there.


If at all possible, please also agree to your most generous contribution of $250 or $100.


Or, if that's too much, please agree to $50, $25 or even $10.


Your generosity will help the American Security Coalition mobilize an army of Americans dedicated to ensuring the days of politicians playing games with the immigration issue are OVER.


As most Americans understand, it's time to secure our borders, build a wall and finally solve this problem before it's too late.


That's what has the open-borders lobby and their pals in the national media so hysterical.


That's why they're set to come after Donald Trump with everything they have.


They know if they can somehow bring Donald Trump to his knees, it will show politicians in BOTH parties in Washington, D.C. that standing up to them is futile.


We can't allow this madness to continue.


That's why it's critical you and I tell Donald Trump to "STAND YOUR GROUND!"


So please sign your Memo of Support.


And, if possible, agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 or even $10 right away.




Jared C.

Director of Operations


P.S. Even as I write you, the open-borders lobby, the national media, the judiciary, and the establishment of BOTH parties are scheming to FORCE Donald Trump to backtrack on his border security plans.


You and I can't let that happen.


That's why Donald Trump must hear from you.


If I can generate a stack of Memos of Support from good folks like you all over the country, it will help me prove that Americans will not tolerate more games with our border security.


So will you please sign your Memo of Support and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 or even $10 right away?









American Security Coalition paid for this communication and is solely responsible for its content. American Security Coalition is a project of National Council for Freedom and Enterprise, an IRS 501(c)4 non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions or as business deductions.


Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.