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CNN/ORC Poll: Melania's Approval Ratings Rise 16 Points

Solange Reyner

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First lady Melania Trump (Getty Images/Alex Wong)



Frst lady Melania Trump's approval ratings have seen a significant jump since husband Donald Trump was sworn in in late January, a recent CNN/ORC poll finds.

Melania's favorability rating is up 16 points, with 52 percent of Americans reporting a favorable opinion of the first lady. Melania's favorability rating was just 36 percent pre-inauguration and 24 percent in February 2016.

Melania Trump has not spent much time in the public eye since her husband took office. She still lives in New York but plans to move to Washington with son Barron at the end of the school year. She has visited the White House a few times and has also spent time with Donald Trump at their Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla.

She watched as her husband delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress last Tuesday.

Other findings from the poll:

  • 86 percent of Republicans and 22 percent of Democrats view Melania Trump favorably.
  • 58 percent of men and 46 percent of women view her positively.
  • 46 percent of women with degrees view her favorably, while 34 percent view her unfavorably.
  • 55 percent of women without degrees have a favorable view of Melania, while 28 percent have an unfavorable view.

Interviews for the poll were conducted March 1-4 by telephone with 1,025 adults.