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Patrick H. Bellringer

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In his address to the U.S. congress, President Donald Trump spoke to America and to the world, as a true statesman.  He spoke from his heart, giving hope, encouragement, and noble goals to the people.

          I believe President Trump is on a great learning curve concerning both foreign policy and who are really his (our) enemies.  He has the wrong understanding of both Iran and Israel. Iran is our friend and Israel is our enemy.  The Khazarian Zionists rule Israel, the U.S and Britain.

          Iran is Israel’s greatest enemy at this time.  Because the Zionist control the U.S., the U.S. supports Israel and fights her wars.  So, Israel wants the U.S. to fight Iran and take her oil and wealth, just as we did for her in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria.  The Biblical lies that Israel is God’s “Promised Land” to the Jews, and that the Jews are God’s “Chosen People” are the basis for Zionist Christians in America supporting evil Netanyahu and Israel and their destruction of the Palestinians.

          I, also, believe that President Trump is wrong in wanting a bigger and better military.  Our U.S.C.I.A. Military     Industrial Empire has created more wars, and destroyed more nations, and killed more people in the last one-hundred years than any other nation in history.  This desire for world conquest is evil and must be stopped now, or America shall fall to her demise.

          The U.S. is far behind Russia in technology.  She went with Nicola Tesla’s work when the U.S. scoffed at it.  Today, Russia has technology that has rendered nuclear obsolete. Russia is working with Creator God Aton of Light to prevent a third (nuclear) world war.   Twice Russia has left a high-tech U.S. warship helpless in the Black Sea, and the same for a U.S. submarine.

          Russia, Iran, China and others have developed the Keshe Foundation technology to neutralize all present forms of warfare.  They say, “You want war?  Try it!  The world wants peace, Mr. Trump.  Indeed may America become a Light to our Dark world!