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Victory on day one!

Dudley Brown

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Patrick, because of the work of NAGR supporters, President Trump’s Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke just ended Obama’s last-minute Lead Ammo Ban during his first few hours on the job!

This is on top of Trump’s signature on Tuesday that killed Obama’s Social Security Gun Ban.

Make no mistake -- these wins only happened because of your support, and the support of the millions of other NAGR supporters who got involved in this fight.

Your National Association for Gun Rights was the loudest voice for gun owners on this issue, collecting nearly 100,000 of your petitions and running constant ads for weeks!

We must keep this momentum going, it’s clear that Trump is listening to you, so let’s bring more wins in the coming weeks!

You may have received my email this morning about repealing Obama’s M-1 Garand re-importation ban that he abruptly rammed into law through executive fiat in 2010.

The M-1 Garand is the weapon that defeated the Nazis, and won World War II, and it is absolutely appalling that the import of this historic rifle is banned.

Even the notoriously anti-gun BATF agrees, in a recent “White Paper” report, they stated that this ban serves no purpose but to deny Americans a piece of history.

And with your support we can end this disgusting import ban, and “Make America Garand Again!”

So please click here to sign your petition to End Obama’s M-1 Garand Import Ban!

So far we’ve collected 20,000 petitions, but from experience we will need a lot more! Will you help us reach our goal of 50,000 petitions today?

Today’s win on the Lead Ammo Ban was only possible with your support, and ending the M-1 Garand Ban will only be possible with your support as well!

Nearly a million of these rifles are sitting in armories across South Korea, where their government is fully prepared to import them back to the United States for public sale.

But just as they were going to import them in 2009, Obama abruptly gave them a big NO, singlehandedly stopping the ships from leaving the port.

I can’t think of any better way to honor the brave American veterans of World War II than to give them, and every other American, a chance to own the same rifle they used to defeat the Nazis.

And with the recent ATF “White Paper” report, we have a perfect opportunity to push for this RIGHT NOW.

So please click here and sign your petition to end Obama’s ban on the importation of the M-1 Garand!

And once you’ve signed, please consider making a generous contribution of $100.

I know I’m asking a lot, but we will need to bring more supporters who love the Second Amendment into this fight. We’ve proven just this year that with your help we can do great things!

Besides today’s end of the Lead Ammo Ban, and the repeal of Obama’s Social Security Gun Ban, we’ve also passed Constitutional Carry in New Hampshire, and NAGR supporters have pushed this and other pro-gun bills across the country!

That’s why we need more support; the more support we have, the more we can achieve, our members and supporters are the backbone of NAGR after all.

But if $100 is not possible, perhaps you can give $50 or $20?

Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated, but please don’t delay!

Sign your petition to end the importation ban on the M-1 Garand to “Make America Garand Again” right away!

I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done, Patrick.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown


National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. Just hours into his first day on the job, President Trump’s Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke downed Obama’s last-minute Lead Ammo Ban!

And this is on top of President Trump putting the final signature on the Social Security Gun Ban repeal!

It’s clear that Trump is listening to us, so let’s use this momentum bring more wins in the coming weeks!

I emailed you earlier today about the recent internal ATF “White Paper” that points out that Obama’s import ban on M-1 Garand rifles serves no purpose but to deny Americans a piece of history.

That’s why we are fighting to repeal this disgusting import ban on the rifle that won World War II.

But we won’t be able to do it without your support.

So please click here to sign your petition to end Obama’s ban on the importation of M-1 Garand rifles right away!

And once you’ve signed, please consider making a contribution of $100, $50, or $20.


Paid for by the National Association for Gun Rights, a tax-exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)4 which does not endorse, support or oppose any candidate or public office holder. This communication is not authorized by any candidate, candidate's committee, or political party. 501 Main Street, Ste 200 Windsor, Colorado 80550 PH 877-405-4570

Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

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