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Horowitz's Book: Big Agenda


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When David Horowitz wrote his new bestseller just before Trump was inaugurated, few believed the new president would actually take on the D.C. establishment, the big media – and even the insider Republicans!

But Horowitz’s “Big Agenda” revealed exactly what President Trump would do. And he’s doing it!

David Horowitz is one of the closest people to Trump’s inner circle.

For the first time in “Big Agenda” he reveals 21 major predictions about Trump and his secret plans.

Already 5 big predictions have come true! These include the Muslim “ban” to stop radical Islam, an end to global abortion funding and the approval of the XL pipeline.

Now 16 MAJOR predictions are about to take place. Trump is determined to get this done and abolish the Democratic Party’s socialist agenda once and for all.

Folks, it’s all in “Big Agenda.”

It became an instant #1 bestseller on Amazon.

Rush Limbaugh urges you to read this book – saying it reveals Trump’s “winning agenda.”

Ann Coulter says you must “arm yourself” with this book against the anti-Trump onslaught.

Lou Dobbs says he “highly recommends” this book if you really want to know how Donald Trump will change America forever.

The media hates “Big Agenda.” In fact, the big networks like CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS have put a total ban on this book even being discussed. They won’t put David Horowitz on air!

But you can bypass them and get “Big Agenda” at any bookstore or Amazon.

And Newsmax has a FREE Offer for this book that saves you over $30.

Check Out the FREE Offer Here Now.

Have no doubt, the media are out to destroy Donald Trump.

They are even talking on MSNBC shows about “impeachment” – even though Trump’s been in office less than 2 weeks!

Disgusting, isn’t it? David Horowitz predicted this and worse!

“Big Agenda” details Trump’s secret plan to take back America – but also shows how you can help President Trump.

He needs your help. Act today!

See More on “Big Agenda” – Go Here Now.

Yours for America,
