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.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

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Obama has formally accused Moscow of interfering in the US elections on behalf of Donald Trump. These are serious allegations.  Whereas the sanctions are  directed against Russia, the ultimate intent is to undermine the legitimacy of president-elect Donald Trump and his foreign policy stance in relation to Moscow. 

According to the US media, the sanctions against Moscow were intended to ”Box in President-elect Donald J. Trump” because  Trump “has consistently cast doubt” that Putin was involved in the alleged hacking of the DNC.  In an earlier report on Kremlin meddling, the NYT  (December 15) depicted Donald Trump as “…a Useful Idiot”… an American president who doesn’t know he’s being played by a wily foreign power. (emphasis added)

But the accusations against Trump have gone far beyond the “Box in” Narrative. The unspoken truth pertaining to Obama’s Executive Order is that the punishment was intended for Trump rather than Putin.

The objective is not to “Box-In” the president-elect for his “unfamiliarity with the role of intelligence”. Quite the opposite: The strategy is to delegitimize Donald Trump by accusing him of high treason. 

In recent developments, the director of National Intelligence James Clapper has “confirmed” that the alleged Russian cyberattack constitutes an “existential threat to our way of life”.  “Whether or not that constitutes an act of war I think is a very heavy policy call that I don’t believe the intelligence community should make,” said Clapper.

That “act of war” policy seems to be have been tacitly endorsed by the outgoing Obama administration: several thousand tanks and US troops are being deployed on Russia’s doorstep as part of Obama’s “Operation Atlantic Resolve” directed against Russia.  

Are these military deployments  part of Obama’s “act of retribution” against Russia in response to Moscow’s alleged hacking of the US elections? 

Is this a “fast-track” procedure on the part of the outgoing president with the support of US intelligence, intended to create chaos prior to the inception of the Trump administration on January 20th? 

According to Donbass DINA News: “A Massive US military deployment [on Russia's border] should be ready by January 20.”  

Political Insanity prevails. 

And insanity could potentially unleash World War III. 

Meanwhile none of this is front page news. The mainstream media is not covering it.

Destabilizing the Trump Presidency

The ultimate intent of this campaign led by the Neocons and the Clinton Faction is to destabilize the Trump presidency.