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President Trump’s 2020 Primary Numbers Are In – And Incumbents Obama And George W. Bush Can’t Touch Him

Adam Casalino

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March 12, 2020


It’s a foregone conclusion that incumbents win their primary races. But Trump?

His re-election is doing things we never expected. We’re not sure there is a word for what he’s doing.

I guess “revolution” comes to mind…

But one thing’s for sure, Republicans are coming out of the woodwork to break records for the POTUS.

From Twitter:

trump has surpassed the national primary vote total of both bush 2004 (7,853,863) and obama 2012 (8,044,659) with 8,906,078 votes

not an apples-to-apples comparison for a variety of reasons (states switching to primaries for example) but still interesting

Before the primaries are even finished, Trump has brought in more votes than Bush or Obama.

That’s pretty impressive. Keep in mind, Republicans don’t really have to come out and vote in this year’s primary.

Some states give him the delegates by default. In the others, he is running against puny candidates.

Yet Republicans are lining up across the country to show their support. That’s how energized they are.

But how is the critical state of Michigan looking? Eric Trump gives us some amazing details.

From Twitter:

With 99% reporting in Michigan, @realDonaldTrump has 637,000+ votes, absolutely crushing previous Republican and Democrat incumbents… By comparison Obama had 174k votes in 2012.

Well, look at that. Eric Trump announced that Trump brought in a record-smashing number of primary votes.

In 2012, incumbent Obama got only 174,000 votes. Trump? A whopping 637,000 votes.

Keep in mind, that’s just for the nomination. How high will his numbers be in November?

If people in Michigan are this eager to cast a ballot for the president… maybe Sanders and Biden should rethink their campaigns?

It’s not secret why voters are so energized for Trump. He has defied the swamp to put Americans first.

He’s come through again and again. Even now, during an unexpected crisis, the president is pulling through.

And voters would be crazy not to re-elect him.

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