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Trump says Democrats have 'gone crazy.' Is he right?


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Trump says Democrats have 'gone crazy.' Is he right?

Book proposes solution to growing war between left and right in America

“The Democrats have become totally unhinged. They’ve gone crazy.”

That’s how President Donald Trump described the opposition party this week at his massive Iowa rally, adding, “They want to destroy everything.”

Strong words, but who can deny that today’s Democratic Party, increasingly swallowed up by the radical left, seems to have completely lost its sanity? From the current epidemic of leftwing mob violence, to the shockingly brutal and dishonest campaign to destroy Brett Kavanaugh, to open attacks on everything from border enforcement to the Electoral College, to the glorification of mental illnesses like transgenderism, to the growing demonization of white people just for being white and men just for being men, America evidently is at war with a mysterious – and yes, crazy – internal enemy.

Fortunately, what is really transpiring in today’s America – including the solution – is explained with unusual clarity and depth in “The Snapping of the American Mind” by David Kupelian.

“I really urge you all to get this book,” Laura Ingraham told her vast radio audience the day the book was released nationally. “David’s a compelling writer, and the way he presents the narrative of what’s happened to our political psyche, our spiritual psyche – all of it – is really compelling. It’s a page-turner,” she said.

Listen to Laura Ingraham interview David Kupelian about “The Snapping of the American Mind”:

And here’s how the chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission, Dr. Ted Baehr, weighs in: “David Kupelian is one of the very few must-read writers in the 21st century. He has the insight and wisdom to perceive the true state of the culture and the world, and he has the incredible ability to tell the Truth in a readable manner that helps the reader not only understand the Truth, but to understand how to redeem America’s culture as well.”

In “The Snapping of the American Mind,” explains Kupelian, “I endeavor – kind of like Neo in the popular sci-fi film ‘The Matrix’ – to ‘unplug’ the virtual reality program that has captured the minds of so many of us, having been so indoctrinated by our bizarre culture and educational system. For example, we speak casually of ‘the left’ and ‘the right,’ as though these were two somehow morally equivalent camps or worldviews. In reality, as I document in the book, the socialist/Marxist ideology that has captivated today’s Democratic Party, our culture and our universities is at total war with reason, human nature, common sense, economics, history and truth – indeed, at war with God and His laws.”

In fact, Kupelian claims the progressive left literally cannot operate or even exist without violating the Ten Commandments. “Leftists,” he says, “continually elevate and excuse murder (abortion), adultery (‘sexual liberation’), stealing (‘wealth redistribution’), bearing false witness (calling opponents racists, fascists and white supremacists) and covetousness (Churchill called socialism ‘the gospel of envy’) – thereby wiping out Commandments 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, all in the guise of championing freedom, justice and equality.”David Kupelian

The problem with the political and cultural left dominating today’s major American institutions goes far beyond radical politics, explains Kupelian. “Because of the left’s wild celebration of sexual anarchy, its intimidating culture of political correctness, and its incomprehension of the fundamental sacredness of human life, it is also – whether intentionally or not – promoting widespread dependency, debauchery, family breakdown, crime, corruption, addiction, despair, and suicide.” “The Snapping of the American Mind” exhaustively documents this stunning correlation, something no other book has done.

“Fortunately,” he adds, “the better we understand the madness that has captured us – both as a nation and as individuals – the more clear becomes our escape route back to the God-blessed land we once knew, and would know again if we could just find the way back.” Hence the book’s subtitle: “Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture.”

Kay Arthur, internationally renowned Bible teacher and founder of Precept Ministries, has repeatedly singled out Kupelian’s books to her audiences as must reading. Here she tells a Georgia audience that “The Snapping of the American Mind” is “absolutely critical” to their understanding of today’s world, adding, “In the back of this book, David tells you how to be prepared for the days ahead, and how you can spot the true Messiah from the false messiah.”

Kupelian, vice president and managing editor of WND and editor of Whistleblower magazine, is the author of two other influential books, “The Marketing of Evil,” and its sequel, “How Evil Works.”

Here’s what other prominent voices are saying about Kupelian and “The Snapping of the American Mind”:

“David Kupelian is one of the most thought-provoking and iconoclastic writers I know.” – Sean Hannity, top-rated radio and TV talk host

“David Kupelian’s ‘The Snapping of the American Mind’ chronicles the decline and fall of America and shows that it is no accident, but rather a direct result of progressive misrule – an eye-opening, scary and galvanizing book.” – Dinesh D’Sousa, author and filmmaker

“In an era when our nation’s Judeo-Christian foundation is coming under increasingly open and brutal attack, Kupelian’s powerful and redemptive book couldn’t have come at a better time.” – David Barton, historian, author, and founder of WallBuilders

“‘The Snapping of the American Mind’ brilliantly switches on a very bright light in the reader’s mind.” – Jamie Glazov, editor of and host of “The Glazov Gang”

“David Kupelian has once again given us a must-read in these times of political turbulence and cultural insanity.” – Paul Kengor, author of “Takedown” and professor of political science at Grove City College

“This book is a stunning exposé of all that is evil and delusional in the liberal-progressive plan to destroy the American miracle. A moral tour de force!” – Lyle Rossiter, M.D., forensic and general psychiatrist and author of “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness”

“Maybe once in a generation are we so graced with a communicator like David Kupelian. His matchless ability to unpack the complicated issues of our day with absolute crystal clarity is nothing short of genius, a gift from God which he has shared once more. In ‘The Snapping of the American Mind,’ David explores the root cause of our age of lawlessness and moral anarchy, yet somehow leaves us filled with hope for American revival and renewal. It’s just the book Americans need at such a time as this.” – J. Matt Barber, author and columnist, former associate dean at Liberty University School of Law

SPECIAL OFFER: Get your copy of David Kupelian’s “The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture” – autographed and personalized – at a special discount at the WND Superstore!

Also, get Kupelian’s culture-war bestseller, “The Marketing of Evil” – now available in paperback – and the acclaimed sequel, “How Evil Works,” also in paperback.



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