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Pro-gun worker rips Biden apart

Dudley Brown

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He’s at it again,

Today, an irate Joe Biden made a campaign stop in Detroit, MI and decided to double down his support for gun control!


WATCH: Biden's meltdown

During a meeting with auto workers at the Chrysler plant in Detroit, Biden went on a profanity laced tirade -- yelling at a pro-gun worker who boldly confronted Biden on his support for gun control.

Biden tried to lie his way out of the conversation, even swearing in the face of the brave American who called him out on his anti-gun positions.

“You’re full of s***!” -- Biden

I don’t like including profanity in my emails, but when the leading Democrat Candidate is slandering our right to keep and bear arms, and screaming at gun owners, I want you to know about it.

Biden then threw a gaffe-filled hissy fit -- saying “You don’t need an AR-14.”

An AR-14? Wow.

Click HERE to watch the pro-gun auto-worker defend the Second Amendment.

Believe it or not, it got worse.

Biden even said:

“I’m not working for you!”

That much is clear, Joe.

Patrick, it’s abundantly clear Joe and the whole Democrat establishment HATE your God-given right to keep and bear arms.

And we must remember this each and every day.

Right now my staff are working around the clock not just in Washington, D.C., but also in Michigan, Tennessee, Colorado, Florida, and Alabama -- just to name a few.

All with the joint mission of DEFEATING gun control, and PASSING pro-gun legislation.

But we can’t do it alone.

We need the help of pro-gun grassroots activists joining the fight.

Your activism stopped gun control in 2019 and helped pass pro-gun laws like Constitutional Carry in three states.

Together, the 4.5 million members and supporters of NAGR are a force to be reckoned with.

So if you’re able, I’d sure appreciate your financial support as we get ready to mount a full scale political war in 2020.

Will you join our ranks?

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown


National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. This morning an irate Joe Biden had a full MELTDOWN at a campaign stop in Detroit, MI when he was confronted on his support for gun control.

See the video here.

And if you’re able, please chip in and help NAGR in its mission to FIGHT back against the gun grabbers and restore the Second Amendment.


The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit tax exempt advocacy organization under Section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax-deductible for IRS purposes. Not paid for or mailed at taxpayer expense. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80539. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.