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After Schumer ‘Triples Down’ On SCOTUS Threat – McConnell Points Out ‘Ironic Silver Lining’ To Help Republicans

Adam Casalino

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March 6, 2020


By now, you probably know all about the shocking things Chuck Schumer said to our Supreme Court justices.

The Democrat senator specifically called out Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. In no uncertain terms, he said they would “pay the price,” if they voted against the left’s agenda.

The backlash against Schumer was fierce. Even then, his “apology” was hardly that. Mitch McConnell said the senator merely tripled-down on his sentiment. Schumer blamed it on being from Brooklyn.

Sorry, Chuck, I’m from Brooklyn, too.  And I don’t threaten people to make them do what I want. You insult a great borough by your actions.

Now, the Senate Majority leader is firing back.

From Biz Pac Review:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the “ironic silver lining” in Sen. Chuck Schumer’s threats to Supreme Court justices is that it exposed Democrats once again…

“These clumsy efforts to erode a pillar in American governance have just reminded everyone why that pillar is so crucial,” he continued.

Wow. Mitch McConnell exposed Schumer’s recent threats, saying there was an “ironic silver lining.”

What would that be? That Schumer’s naked, unabashed attack on our justices once again revealed the Democrats’ plan.

It seems Democrats aren’t too interested in our government, as the Founder Fathers crafted it. They frequently resort to the courts to get their way (even if Americans are against them).

They have relied on radical, activist judges to push progressive ideas through.

When judges don’t vote the way the left likes, it seems they resort to threats.

That’s far different than President Trump giving his opinion that judges should recuse themselves for a conflict of interest.

We think Democrats are showing an utter lack of respect for our judicial system.

Our government was created so that the courts could not be manipulated by presidents or lawmakers.

But Schumer’s words suggest that Democrats think they can bully judges to do as they demand.

Our country deserves better leaders than what the left is providing.