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Trump's Takeaways From Each Democrat's Debate Performance


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  • 2020-02-26
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
  • Screenshot via Youtube

    The chaotic debate was full of attacks and horrid ideas about the way our country should be run. The debate had no real winner but did reveal that the Democrats are in a state of total panic for 2020 and they might not have a road to beating Trump. The President made sure to get his jabs in via twitter, as he always does, and these jabs landed beautifully! Here is how the Dems performed and what president Trump had to say about them:   


    1.) Elizabeth Warren

    Elizabeth Warren was running out of the gates at the debate and made sure to get her time to speak. She was on the offensive as she tried to secure a better place for herself despite falling in polls. Trump made sure to refer to her as his favorite nickname for her (Pocahontas) when calling her out. Trump pointed out that she was mean and nasty on stage, he even referred to her as undisciplined.    


    2.) Bernie Sanders

    Trump dubbed Bernie Sanders “Crazy Bernie” in his twitter spree, this was a name well deserved as Bernie was caught praising third-world dictators. Bernie Sanders suffered heavily in the debate as he was the main target for other Dem candidates. It’s not all fun and games as the front runner, that's the lesson Bernie Sanders is walking home with. 


    3.) Pete Buttigieg

    Pete Buttigieg is falling from his previous position as the dark horse of the race, he is losing popularity as Sanders took over the ultra-progressive base. Buttigieg's performance was so weak that he didn’t warrant a Trump tweet.    



    4.) Tom Styer


    Gage Skidmore ( Via Flickr

    Tom Styer is still running! Many have already forgotten that he is in the race and his presence on the debate stage was a wake up to many who completely forgot about him. That said there are those that remember Styer’s place, the record keepers are watching him closely as he is setting records for dollars per vote. Trump made sure to point that out and also pointed to the fact that the Styer campaign has been nothing more than a disaster.   



    5.) Mike Bloomberg

    Mini Mike is the name Trump handed to Mike Bloomberg not too long ago and his lack of assertiveness proves that to be true. Bloomberg let himself be interrupted by moderators and candidates on numerous occasions. Trump made sure to hammer Bloomberg for his many ads being unable to get him any return in terms of voters.    



    6.) Joe Biden

    Joe Biden is the king of gabs and he made sure that everyone knew that at the debate last night. Biden made the insane claim that half the US population was killed as a result of gun violence, is there even a need to point out that this is insane? Trump made sure to hammer him on this stating that the race “would be OVER for most” after remarks like this.     


    7.) Amy Klobuchar

    Amy Klobuchar proved to be just another nobody running for President, she failed to make any ground and performed so poorly she didn't even catch the ire of the President. There is no need to beat a dead horse, Klobuchar was one of the debate's biggest losers and that’s that.