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8 Days After Democrat Iowa Trainwreck, Their Party Chairman Becomes The Latest Political Casualty

Adam Casalino

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February 14, 2020


We’ve watched the Democrats struggle to pick a candidate that could beat President Trump in 2020.

It’s hard enough trying to best an incumbent with this kind of economy. The guy beat impeachment, for crying out loud!

But when the party couldn’t even successfully run its first caucus? Talk about embarrassing!

The Iowa Democratic Party was put through the wringer over its caucus disaster. They weren’t able to count votes in a pretty straightforward process—to the shock of the entire country.

And now, it seems, heads are rolling.

From NBC News:

The Iowa Democratic Party chairman is stepping down, he announced Wednesday, eight days after the Iowa caucuses became a national fiasco for the Democrats…

“As chair of this party, I am deeply sorry for what happened and bear the responsibility for any failures on behalf of the Iowa Democratic Party.”

Look at that! A Democrat taking responsibility for his mistake. When was the last time we’ve seen this?

Troy Price, the chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party officially stepped down. He explained it was entirely because of the caucus problems.

The app “bug” generated three different sets of results. The party could not declare the results of the votes, until many days later.

Subsequently, the campaigns are calling for a recanvassing. According to some reports, they are actually going ahead with it.

Honestly, it looks like the real culprit behind all this is the company (run by a Hillary Clinton ally) that built the app. Apparently, it was the source of the mix-up.

But Price and the state’s Democrats do hold some of the blame. An app that important should have been rigorously tested, with mock caucuses, to ensure no problems on the big day.

Because they did not do this, well… we saw what happened.

Price, despite being a liberal, knew what the right thing to do was. As the leader of the Iowa Democrats, it was ultimately his job to make sure the event went smoothly.

At least he was smart enough to take the hit for the rest of them.

But that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten what happened. This is the party that wants to run our health care (not to mention the economy). Do we have any confidence they can do a good job?

And word is, Nevada is using the exact same app! Will there be a round two of this circus?