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TrumpTrain Impressive Demographic Numbers From Trump's New Jersey Rally


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Impressive Demographic Numbers From Trump's New Jersey Rally


President Trump's recent rally in New Jersey attracted supporters from some surprising backgrounds.


According to Town Hall:

Tuesday night President Trump traveled to deep blue New Jersey for a campaign rally. Despite freezing temperatures in the middle of winter, people camped out a day ahead of his remarks in order to make it inside the arena. 

Trump Rally in NJ was AMAZING. Camped out for 29 hours met some wonderful people who love this country and our President.

View image on Twitter

According to Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, over a quarter of registered attendees were democrats. Another significant portion of people have never voted before.

Wow! New Jersey Data:


 158,632 Requested Tickets (92,841 distinct signups)


 73,482 Voters Identified


 10.4% Didn't Vote in 2016


 26.3% Democrats


Mind boggling. 


The demographics of the New Jersey rally are reflective of President Trump's previous rallies in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Minnesota and elsewhere. 


In 2016, Hillary Clinton won New Jersey by 14 points. 

It remains unclear if this will be the case on election night, but it is worth noting that this is the exact opposite of what the mainstream media supports about Trump supporters.