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Impeachment Forever: House Vows to Continue Probes No Matter What Senate Decides

Edwin Mora

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 December 18, 2019

House Democrats vow to continue the fight to impeach and remove U.S. President Donald Trump, even after the House vote and the Senate trial, a top House lawyer indicated Monday.

No matter what the U.S. Senate does–and it is expected to clear President Trump early next year after the House votes on Wednesday to impeach him–the House is likely to continue its quest to remove the president from office.

Politico reported:

Lawyers for the House told a federal court on Monday that lawmakers will continue their impeachment investigation even after the House votes later this week to impeach President Donald Trump.

In a filing to the D.

C. Circuit Court of Appeals, House General Counsel Douglas Letter argued that the House’s demands for grand jury materials connected to former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation were still urgent because such evidence might become relevant to the Senate’s expected impeachment trial next month.

But Letter went further to note that even apart from the Senate trial, the House Judiciary Committee intends to continue its impeachment investigation arising from the Mueller probe on its own merit. That investigation began earlier this year.

“The committee has continued and will continue [its impeachment] investigations consistent with its own prior statements respecting their importance and purposes,” Letter declared in the filing Monday as part the Democrats’s bid to obtain evidence from the former special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

During the federal court proceeding Monday, House General Counsel Douglas Letter highlighted that Democrats plan to continue with their impeachment probe after the House vote to impeach and regardless of the outcome in the Senate, Politico reported.

In October, Letter predicted the impeachment would go beyond Ukraine.

At the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Letter was trying to obtain grand jury materials linked to Mueller’s investigation.

He argued the information was urgent because such evidence might become relevant to the Senate’s expected impeachment trial next month, Letter argued.

Breitbart News warned that the partisan impeachment inquiry resolution would allow lawmakers the ability to investigate Trump about anything beyond Ukraine for an undetermined amount of time.

The resolution legitimized a fishing expedition, granting Democrats the authority to investigate Trump for a series of accusations. So, the Democrats could keep looking until they find what they want.

Lawyers for the House told a federal court on Monday that lawmakers would continue their impeachment investigation even after the House votes later this week to impeach President Donald Trump.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) — obsessed with impeaching Trump since months after the sitting U.S. President took office — intends to continue pursuing an impeachment probe linked to Mueller’s Russian hoax investigation.

Last week, House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, charging him abuse of power, obstruction of Congress, further arguing that he is a “threat to national security and the Constitution.”

The Democrat-led House Democrats will vote on the articles of impeachment this week, which appears to be only a formality. Early next year, the Senate will make a verdict whether to convict or clear him of any wrongdoing.

Reports surfaced that Democrats would abandon “bribery” charges and those related to “obstruction of justice” stemming from Mueller’s investigation.

Politico noted:

Democrats had strongly considered charging Trump with obstruction of justice based on Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. Monday’s filing indicates that Democrats are keeping that option available even after the House’s impeachment process concludes this week.

Months after former special counsel Robert Mueller issued the verdict from his independent investigation into possible collusion between Russia and Trump, Democrats have refused to accept that conclusion.

News outlets have fantasized about Trump refusing to give up the reigns of power.

Yet, it is the Democrats who are refusing to accept that their own impeachment inquiry did not yield the results they want, so they’ll keep hammering until they find something that sticks.

“Democrats heavily considered charging Trump with obstruction of justice on the basis of the Mueller report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. Monday’s filing, however, suggests that option is still on the table “even after the House’s impeachment process concludes this week,” Politico wrote.