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Democrats Get Bad News as Trump's Numbers Continue to Rise


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Democrats Get Bad News as Trump's Numbers Continue to Rise

Democrats have done their best to damage President Trump with their impeachment crusade but new polling suggests that this approach is backfiring. President Trump is leading all Democrats in key states, and his numbers are improving in regards to impeachment and the economy.

According to The Daily Wire:

Journalists and author Ryan Girdusky reported on the Monmouth polling Tuesday morning. When participants were asked if Trump should be re-elected to the White House, Trump received a seven-point swing in his favor after the impeachment inquiry; the “no” answer to re-election dropped three points and the “yes” answer climbed four points.

2020 candidates (favorable/unfavorable):

Trump: 46/52

Biden: 43/50

Sanders: 41/54

Warren: 40/50

Buttigieg: 34/35

Bloomberg: 26/54

2020 candidates favorability among independents (fav/unfav):

Trump: 49/48

Sanders: 39/56

Biden: 38/57

Buttigieg: 34/33

Warren: 32/55

Bloomberg: 25/56

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As reported on Monday by The Daily Wire, the partisan impeachment proceedings also appear to be helping President Trump in key battleground states. Recent polling shows the president is now leading “every potential Democratic opponent in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, three of the Rust Belt states that helped deliver Trump’s electoral victory in 2016.”

“In a report published Sunday, Firehouse Strategies presented their new quarterly battleground polling results, and they were quite grim for Democrats. In a survey of 1,759 likely 2020 general election voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania conducted last week (12/3 through 12/5), the Firehouse/Optimus pollsters found that Trump was ‘surging’ as an apparent result of the Democrats’ impeachment effort — while Democratic frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden is suffering a ‘sharp decline in support,'” The Daily Wire reported.

Another poll reported by The Daily Wire was also favorable:

For the first time in the poll, opposition to impeachment topped 50%, while Trump’s approval numbers on the economy reached a new high.

“Slightly more than half of all registered voters, 51 percent, think that President Trump should not be impeached and removed from office, while 45 percent say he should be impeached and removed,” Quinnipiac reports on its survey of 1,553 self-identified registered voters (conducted Dec. 4-9). “This compares to a November 26 poll in which 48 percent of voters said the president should not be impeached, while 45 percent said he should be. Today’s poll is the first time since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the inquiry that more than half of voters say that Trump should not be impeached.”

Quinnipiac also found a problematic trend for Democrats when it comes to the economy: Trump has now attained his highest approval ratings yet on his handling of the economy, while voters’ perception of their own financial status as well as the economy overall continue to climb:

Today, voters give the president his highest score on his handling of the economy since the question was first asked in February of 2017, with 54 percent approving of the way he’s handling the economy and 42 percent disapproving. A similar 57 percent of voters say that they are better off financially today than they were in 2016, while 22 percent say they are worse off and 19 percent volunteered that they are the same. Voter perception of the economy has improved since October, as 69 percent of voters say the state of the nation’s economy is excellent or good, while 30 percent say it is not so good or poor. In an October 23 poll, 61 percent said the economy was excellent or good, while 36 percent said it was not so good or poor.

The poll by Quinnipiac was not completely favorable as it showed Trump's overall support and support below 50% and losing in head-to-head matchups against Democrats.