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This Is “The First Presidential Impeachment Inquiry In Modern History Authorized By Members Of Only One Party”

Michael Snyder

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- November 1, 2019 

Image Credits: Alex Edelman/Getty Images.

The Democrats have really messed up this time. 

On Thursday, we witnessed the first major congressional test for this impeachment inquiry, and the House of Representatives did approve the formal rules that were being pushed by Nancy Pelosi and her cronies.  But it was a major victory for President Trump, because not a single Republican voted for those rules.  Not only that, a couple of Democrats actually voted with the Republicans.  This was a significant embarrassment for Democratic leadership, and it likely foreshadows how the rest of this process is going to play out.  Yes, the Democrats have the numbers to impeach Trump in the House, but without any Republican defections the effort to remove Trump from office will be completely dead once it gets to the Senate.

If even a handful of Republicans had defected on Thursday, that would have fueled speculation that there are divisions in the party.

But Republicans stood perfectly united behind the president, and even CNN is admitting that this is a huge victory for Trump…

Zero is the number of House Republicans who voted for the formal rules. Not a single one. Which is, plainly put, a win for President Donald Trump, who lobbied hard to keep his party in line on a much-watched vote, where even a a half-dozen GOP rebels could have fundamentally altered the storyline of the day on impeachment.

So unless something really dramatic happens, the Democrats in the House are going to be stuck playing out a losing hand, and that is going to be extremely demoralizing for many of them.