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Adam Casalino

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October 18, 2019

Donald’s not holding back – he just laid the Democrat plan bare!

President Trump held one of his biggest rallies yet in Dallas. What they say is right: everything’s bigger in Texas!

During his firey, energetic speech he pulled back the curtain on what 2020 Democrats are trying to do.

They won’t admit it today, but they are eager to pack the Supreme Court. All to undo the good Trump has accomplished.

And he revealed how far they’re willing to go to drag us back into the Dark Ages.

From Breitbart:

President Donald Trump said at a campaign rally on Thursday in Dallas, Texas, that Democrats and the left want to change the makeup of the United States Supreme Court to destroy the Constitution.

“They want to install far-left judges to shred the Constitution,” Trump said…

Trump also mentioned the left’s failed attack on now Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, calling it “the disgusting smearing of a fine man — Justice Kavanaugh,” Trump said.

Donald Trump blasted the Democrats over their intentions for the Supreme Court. He said they want to pack it with far-left judges that will shred the Constitution.

It’s no secret that Democrats have talked about adding more justices to the SCOTUS. They can’t remove Trump’s picks, but if they expand the size of the court they can add more super-liberal judges.

We know every election matters. One of the biggest successes of 2016 was the fact that Trump would be appointed judges to federal courts, not Hillary Clinton.

He gave the Supreme Court it’s first conservative majority in years. He’s also appointed a record 150 federal judges across the country.

But if Democrats win back the White House, that’s all over.

They don’t believe in playing fair. They don’t even like following the Constitution. Their plan is to put enough judges into power to simply rewrite the law of the land.

Already liberals are talking about the kind of people they want on the SCOTUS. They include activists from Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.

Democrats don’t seem interested in preserving our way of life and laws. They want to radically change this country, so it becomes a socialist dictatorship.

The scary thing is, if they win 2020, nothing will stop them from doing it.

Some 2020 hopefuls have expressed a desire to kill the Second Amendment and strip churches of their rights. Imagine if they can put more people onto the Supreme Court?

Our Bill of Rights would be deleted with the stroke of a pen.

Now, more than ever, we have to stand against their scheme.