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“Mad” Maxine Waters says impeaching Trump not enough, he must be “imprisoned” in “solitary confinement” — is she even sane?

JD Heyes

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Image: “Mad” Maxine Waters says impeaching Trump not enough, he must be “imprisoned” in “solitary confinement” — is she even sane?

We have known that Democrats and their propagandists in the Washington establishment media have been stricken with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” for quite some time, but the longer he remains president — while that’s a plus for the country — the worse the TDS becomes.

Take “Mad” Maxine Waters, the Democratic congresswoman from California. 

For more than a year, when she’s not calling on mobs of people to physically and violently confront Trump Cabinet members and his supporters, Waters has been screeching — literally — “Impeach 45! Impeach 45!” (Related: POTUS Trump fires back at ‘Low IQ’ Maxine Waters after she issued order to threaten ALL Trump officials.)

She tried to deny it once, but there are too many instances recorded on video of her calling for that very thing. 

No doubt, then, Waters should feel good about the growing sentiment among her equally deranged Democratic colleagues in the House to impeach Trump — for something — and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that an unofficial impeachment inquiry had begun.

But no. Mad Maxine wants more, the Washington Examiner reports.

She wants to see our president not only impeached, but also imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement. Yes, a Democratic lawmaker who once believed we are sending too many people to prison has no problem sending her political opponents off to some deep, dark hole to be forgotten.

What a major hypocrite.

“I’m calling on the GOP to stop Trump’s filthy talk of whistleblowers being spies & using mob language implying they should be killed. Impeachment is not good enough for Trump. He needs to be imprisoned & placed in solitary confinement. But for now, impeachment is the imperative,” Waters wrote on Twitter.

You know who jails political opponents? Communist and socialist dictatorships. Historical figures like Josef Stalin and Fidel Castro. Modern-day tyrants like Fidel’s thug brother, Raul. At times, Vladimir Putin. The Chinese government. Places like Venezuela.

Democrats would gas Trump supporters to death if they could

And here’s a sitting member of the U.S. Congress not only advocating that a political rival be jailed for exercising his right to free speech and expression, but that the president be imprisoned.

It’s unprecedented. But then again, the level of hatred — and that’s what it is, hatred — expressed towards President Trump by Democrats and RINOs is also unprecedented.

Talk radio behemoth Rush Limbaugh said it best this week: This vitriol isn’t just for President Trump. In fact, it’s not really directed solely towards the president. It’s directed at every single American who made Trump relevant, who made his presidency possible — his voters: 

With all of this action the Democrats are taking toward impeaching Trump or proving Trump colluded with Russia — trying to disqualify Trump — the ultimate targets of all this are you and me and everybody who voted for Donald Trump. We’re the problem. Trump will come and go. As a president, the maximum number of years he can serve is eight. The people who voted for him are forever, because they have kids, their families expand and so forth, and the movement goes on.

Anyone who thinks Democrats, if they are successful in removing Trump (and, likely, causing armed revolution in the streets), will simply leave his constitutional successor, Vice President Mike Pence, alone, you’d better think again.

Limbaugh is right. TDS Democrats and the deep state controlling them are trying to send a message to anyone who considers running a campaign like Trump ran and voters who would support that campaign: ‘We’re out to destroy you and we won’t stop until we do.’

If Trump goes, his supporters are going to be targeted next. Democrats and the deep state will seek to punish them in any way they can — through overt and covert punitive actions. Anything short of lining his supporters up and gassing them to death. 

Then again…

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