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GOP House leader signs resolution censuring Schiff

WND Staff

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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., on Wednesday became the highest profile Republican to sign a resolution to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for reading a "parody" of President Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a hearing last week.

"Chairman Adam Schiff has been lying to the American people for years," McCarthy said in a tweet announcing his signing of the resolution, Fox News reported. "Now he is so desperate to damage the president that he literally made up a false version of a phone call. Enough is enough."

The resolution was introduced last Friday by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, in response to the fictional version of the phone-call transcript Schiff read at the testimony last week of acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

Maguire was defending his handling of the whistleblower complaint regarding the July 25 phone call. The complaint, based on secondhand information, charges Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden's receipt of millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian firm while his father was the Obama administration's point man for the country.

The transcript, which is based on "notes and recollections" of the officials who memorialized the call, shows Zelensky asked for more military aid before Trump asked him to "look into" Biden and his son.

Instead of reading from the transcript provided by the White House, Schiff presented his own version.

"I have a favor I want from you," he said. "And I'm going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that."

Amid outrage from Republicans, Schiff later explained his"summary of the president’s call was meant to be at least, part, in parody."

"The fact that that's not clear is a separate problem in and of itself. Of course, the president never said, 'If you don't understand me I’m going to say it seven more times,' my point is, that’s the message that the Ukraine president was receiving in not so many words."

Biggs said in a video posted on Twitter that Schiff "read a statement that was blatantly false, had no corresponding evidence nor relationship to the actual transcript of President Trump's telephone conversation with the Ukrainian president."

"That is inexcusable," he said.

Trump said in a tweet that Schiff "fraudulently read to Congress, with millions of people watching, a version of my conversation with the President of Ukraine that doesn’t exist."

"He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call, but he completely changed the words to make it sound horrible, and me sound guilty," Trump said.

Schiff shot back: :You engaged in a shakedown to get election dirt from a foreign country. And then you tried to cover it up."

"But you're right about one thing — your words need no mockery. Your own words and deeds mock themselves," he continued. "But most importantly here, they endanger our country.