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House Democrats Subpoena Rudy Giuliani


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House Democrats Subpoena Rudy Giuliani

House Democrats have started their crusade towards impeachment of President Trump by subpoenaing records from his attorney Rudy Giuliani.

According to CNBC:

The House Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani for documents as part of its impeachment inquiry into the president. 

In a letter to Giuliani dated Monday, the heads of three House committees asked for information related to the president and his lawyer’s efforts to get Ukraine’s government to investigate the Biden family. Three Democratic-led panels — the Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees — are demanding that Giuliani produce all text messages, phone records and other communications related to the “scheme” he is accused of perpetrating “in order to determine the full extent of this effort by the President and his Administration to press Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 presidential election.”

They wrote that House Democrats’ probe “includes an investigation of credible allegations that [Giuliani] acted as an agent of the President in a scheme to advance his personal political interests by abusing the power of the Office of the President.” They asked him to produce documents by Oct. 15. 

Spokespeople for Giuliani and the White House did not immediately respond to CNBC’s requests to comment. Giuliani has suggested he may not comply with committee requests. On Sunday, he told ABC that he “wouldn’t cooperate” with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

Many of the communications between Giuliani and President Trump will be privileged but the Democrats are searching for any piece of evidence relating to Ukraine that will justify impeachment.