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Whistle-blower! Here Is Why The Latest Attack On President Trump Is Simply More Partisan Bickering


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  • 2019-09-20
  • Source: TTN staff
  • by: TTN
  • Gage Skidmore ( Via Flickr

    The latest “Scandal” to come out of the White House is just another episode of partisan hackery by the Democrats. President Trump allegedly asked the President of Ukraine about an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of Presidential candidate Joe Biden, on corruption-related matters. President Trump also allegedly mentioned that a whistle-blower was in the White House and that he did not know who it is.

    The Democrats are destroying the President as the media digs in to turn this into another Russia-gate level media event. Here is who this event is no more than the traditional bickering seen in Washington every day:


    1.) Hunter Biden

    Ancho. via Flickr

    It is alleged that Hunter Biden used his father's role as Vice-President to Barack Obama to get out of trouble after shady dealings in Ukraine that would have most likely ended up with him behind bars. Joe Biden allegedly leveraged US loans to get the Ukrainians to back off of his son and the company he was working with, the prosecutor who was investigation Hunter Biden was fired as a result. 

    Joe Biden bragged about leveraging the loans to get the prosecutor fired in a video, this suggests that the allegations are true. President Trump looking into the case, which was reopened under the new leadership in Ukraine, isn’t shady whatsoever because the US may have been directly involved in its previous cancellation. 




    2.) The Whistle-blower

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    By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (Donald Trump supporters) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


    Whistle-blowers are supposed to report to the American public when something bad or illegal is going on within an organization or administration. A leaker is someone who disseminates information from within an organization or administration with ill-intent. 

    This White House has had a disgusting amount of leakssince Trump first took office back in 2017 and even had some before this in the 2016 transitional period. The leaks are usually out of context and often hurt the US as a whole, these are not whistleblowers they are partisan leakers who have infiltrated the President's administration with the sole intent of destroying the Trump Presidency.




    3.) Media Partisanship

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    By Ken Lund (Flickr: CNN Center, Atlanta, Georgia) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

    President Trump pointed to the media and it's lack of coverage on the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden story. This is an excellent point about the Partisanship in the mainstream media, as far as these individuals and networks are concerned Democrats can do no wrong no matter what the reality of the situation is. 


    4.) What Is The Likelihood This Story Is Even True?

    By Michael Fleischhacker (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

    The Media has been publishing story after story based on “Unnamed” and “Anonymous” sources for the entirety of this administration, this raised two questions. Firstly; are these individuals who will have zero consequences for what they say telling the truth? Secondly; are these sources even real people? The fact that the sources are always people we are not allowed to know about dampens the credibility of these statements and these stories severely.  



    5.) What There Is to Gain

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    By Cliff from Arlington, Virginia, USA [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

    The Democrats and Anti-Trump forces have everything to gain by leaking this information and persuing the President for more information, regardless of the credibility of the information. If Democrats can use something as a reason to stall the Trump administration with needless investigations they will, and they will only destroy their own credibility by doing such.