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Rush Limbaugh: Why Dems should fear 'Crowdstrike' comment

WND Staff

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'No question' that 'Trump is gonna get to the bottom of the origins of the Mueller investigation'

  September 25, 2019

Now that the text of President Trump's telephone conversation with the president of Ukraine has been released, showing there was no quid pro quo as Democrats alleged, talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh is pointing out it contains a reference that should concern the Democrats.

That word is "CrowdStrike."

President Trump said, according to the transcript: "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … the server, they say Ukraine has it."

He rambled a bit, but CrowdStrike was the company that examined the Democratic National Committee computers during the 2016 presidential race and concluded they were hacked by Russia. Later, DNC emails were released by WikiLeaks.

The DNC didn't allow the FBI to examine the computers to verify the claim.

What if it wasn't Russia?

Limbaugh wondered about the willingness of Obama administration investigators to take the word of CrowdStrike.

"They didn't let the FBI examine the server. And can you imagine the FBI said, 'OK'? You ever had the FBI come to your house and want to search and you say, 'No, you can't come in,' and they say, 'Oh, OK,' and leave?"

"But CrowdStrike is alleged to have gotten something big wrong about Ukraine," Limbaugh said.

"CrowdStrike accused Russia of hacking a Ukrainian artillery app resulting in heavy losses, even though Ukraine has no incentive to help Russia, which is attacking them. Ukraine said it never happened. And yet CrowdStrike was asserting that Russia hacked a Ukrainian artillery app. How do I know this? Well, Andy McCarthy's written about this in his book 'Ball of Collusion.' Here's the short little passage here that’s relevant," Limbaugh said.

McCarthy writes: "CrowdStrike widely believed to have been wrong in a controversial 2016 judgment when it claimed that Russia hacked a Ukrainian artillery app resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in combat against separatists used by Moscow.' That’s a pretty big thing to be wrong about, and the only reason to point it out is, okay, if they're wrong about that, what if the Democrat National Committee server was not hacked?"

Limbaugh speculated: "Do you realize how convenient it was for them to be able to say that Russia hacked their server and then link Trump to Russia? The FBI never assumed that because they never got to investigate it. So the presence of CrowdStrike, Trump asking the president of Ukraine to look into CrowdStrike as well as Biden and his son."

With Trump's specific mention of Crowdstrike, Limbaugh said, "the Democrats have learned today, after reading that transcript, what Trump is really doing here."

He explained: "Trump is soliciting assistance from allies all over the world to help [Attorney General William] Barr prove the scam run against him. That's what’s going on. That's what the Democrats have learned today with that word 'CrowdStrike' being in the transcript. CrowdStrike, the founder of CrowdStrike is a Russian emigre who hates Putin with a purple passion. It seems to color CrowdStrike's security work."

Crowdstrike claimed Russians hacked the Ukrainian system and fired on its own troops, killing thousands. But when Ukraine denied that happened, CrowdStrike withdrew its claim.

"This is highly relevant to this entire Russian collusion story, which is why Trump was asking about it and why the Democrats don’t want the Ukrainians to reinvestigate it," Limbaugh said.

"The reference to CrowdStrike, mark my words, is momentous in this transcript today," he said.

"There's no question in my mind now what this is. Trump is gonna get to the bottom of the origins of the Mueller investigation. He's gonna get to the bottom of the origins of this coup that was run against him come hell or high water and he was asking the president of Ukraine for assistance today, and part of that is illustrating and proving the vile corruption of Joe Biden, which is monumental."

WND reported James Rybicki, who served as chief of staff to former FBI Director James Comey, suggested in sworn testimony that the Trump-Russia collusion investigation was orchestrated by Obama's White House in October 2016, according to bureau documents.

A heavily redacted transcript of Rybicki's interview with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel includes an unidentified prosecutor's summary of the former FBI official's testimony.

"So we understand," the prosecutor says, "that at some point in October of 2016, there was, I guess, a desire by the White House to make some kind of statement about Russia's. ... "

The next page is omitted.

The United States Office of Special Counsel, not to be confused with Robert Mueller's special counsel, is a permanent independent federal investigative and prosecutorial agency designed to protect federal employees from reprisal for "whistleblowing."

Lawyer Ty Clevenger obtained the documents as part of a lawsuit on behalf of businessman Ed Butowsky, who claims columnist Ellen Ratner told him murdered Democratic National Committee worker Seth Rich and his brother provided WikiLeaks the DNC emails before the 2016 election, not Russia.

Clevenger explained that the OSC prosecutors were noting that the FBI publicized its reactivation of the Clinton email investigation shortly before the 2016 election. So, why, the prosecutors wondered, did the FBI not counterbalance that disclosure by publicizing the "Russian collusion" investigation into Donald Trump?

It was in that context that one of the prosecutors commented that the White House wanted some kind of statement made about Russia.

Clevenger said that almost certainly refers to the Oct. 7, 2016, joint statement of the Department of Homeland Security and the Directorate of National Intelligence. The agencies said the "U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations."

"In other words," Clevenger said, "it looks like the Obama White House put its thumb on the scale, pressuring intelligence agencies to adopt the Democratic National Committee's talking points, i.e., to blame the stolen emails on Russian hackers rather than an internal source (like Seth Rich)."

Crowdstrike was hired by Perkins Coie, the law firm retained by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC, that hired Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS to produce the infamous anti-Trump "dossier." The dossier of unverified claims by unidentified senior Russian officials was used by the Obama Justice Department and DOJ to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.