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After Schiff’s Impeachment Plan Slips Out – Trump’s Approval Takes A Hard Turn

Adam Casalino

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By Adam Casalino|September 20, 2019

Adam Schiff went after Donald – then the President’s numbers came out.

The Democrats keep searching for dirt on Trump, but it always turns out to one nothing-burger after another.

You probably heard about the most recent. A “whistleblower” claims Trump promised something while speaking on the phone with Ukraine.

Yet again, an unnamed source is making new claims, without a shred of evidence. The left-wing media has been reporting it as a reason to attack the president.

Cue the circus music.

From Fox News:

What touched off the controversy is a secret whistleblower complaint that the director of national intelligence has kept from Congress, reportedly involving a “promise” Trump made to an unnamed foreign leader. In the latest development, The Washington Post and The New York Times reported Thursday that the complaint relates to Ukraine.

Pencil-neck Adam Schiff didn’t hesitate to jump on it.  Another piece of evidence to “impeach Trump, right? Just what he needs to take down our hard-working President.

But as Schiff and Co. push rumors, Trump’s approval is taking a hard turn.

From Rasmussen Reports:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

Woah. This week, Trump’s approval has climbed over well over 50%! That’s close to his post-inauguration high. Seriously, not good for Schiff.

It seems the harder they fight to tear Trump down, the more popular he gets among Americans!

In fact, he’s six points higher than Obama was during the same time in his presidency.

Why? Because the American people (you and me) can see through the games the left keep playing.

Each month they manufacture another story to hurt Trump. It gets proven false and they pretend like nothing happened.

But the losses keep adding up. Americans are getting more and more fed up with the left and their buddies in the news.

They keep pushing lies and unprovable attacks. And Trump’s numbers keep going up.

I think it’s safe to safe Americans are sick and tired of the left’s schemes.