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Pelosi’s Position on Impeachment Following Mueller Testimony

Jack Crowe

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi remains hesitant to proceed with an impeachment inquiry following former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Wednesday congressional testimony.

In comments to reporters Wednesday afternoon, Pelosi explained that Mueller’s testimony did not change her belief that impeachment proceedings should only be undertaken when the multiple ongoing congressional oversight investigations into Trump’s behavior in office have concluded.

“My position has always been: whatever decision we make in that regard would have to be done with our strongest possible hand, and we still have some outstanding matters in the courts,” Pelosi told reporters during a press conference on Capitol Hill.

The speaker did stress that the process of evaluating whether Trump’s conduct warrants impeachment “isn’t endless,” pushing back on critics’ claims that she is seeking to placate impeachment advocates within her caucus by continuously stretching the timeline.

Pelosi’s hesitance to pursue an impeachment inquiry has incrreasingly placed her at odds with the progressive members of her caucus, who represent safe Democratic districts and are less inclined to accommodate their more moderate colleagues who remain weary of impeachment.