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New York Dem Slams Schumer, Pledges Vote for GOP


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\New York Dem Slams Schumer, Pledges Vote for GOP

The New York Assemblyman who represents Senator Charles Schumer's home district in Brooklyn has slammed the Senator and pledged support for the GOP.

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is facing rebuke from a fellow New York Democrat and longtime political ally, for distorting—for electoral gain—the record and policies of the Trump administration.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents Schumer's home borough of Brooklyn in the New York legislature, penned an open letter to the senator after receiving a campaign mailer soliciting financial contributions. Hikind said the mailer attacked the "hard right" while omitting "vital information."

The assemblyman praised Trump's tax cuts:

"You forgot to tell us about tax cuts. I’m part of the middle class and now I’m getting a little extra in my paycheck," he wrote. "I’m happy about that and so are tens of millions of Americans, Senator."

The letter was closed out with this:

"Senator Schumer, as a fellow Democrat, I ask you to work to restore sanity and honesty to our party so I can feel good about supporting it fully," the assemblyman wrote. "Until then, I’m afraid the Republicans have my support."

Hikind represents one of the largest Orthodox Jewish communities outside of Israel and has been a supporter of many of the Trump administration's foreign policy approaches.

The assemblyman has also criticized former President Barack Obama while he held office for his relationship is Israel.