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McCabe Admits There Was NO Collusion


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Disgraced former top FBI official Andrew McCabe has finally admitted that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians.

According to Town Hall:

Well, ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller didn’t drop any bombshells, but he did earn a new title: ringmaster. He tweaked the language concerning what his investigation found out about Russian collusion; there wasn’t any. And decided to all but give a massive smoke signal to House Democrats to start impeachment proceedings. That wasn’t his job. It could be viewed as a case of sour grapes, but the obstruction area was always going to be a point of contention. There wasn’t enough evidence to bring formal charges based on a review by Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. But remember, Barr is part of some elaborate cover-up and he’s an agent of Trump in the eyes of impeachment-minded Democrats. 

But this circus about Russian collusion, the Kremlin, and the Trump team working with them is over. It’s done. This circus act has long been sent packing. Democrats know this as well. I mean, again, they read the whole report out loud. Even those former DOJ officials who have been fired for their conduct over this fiasco admit that the Mueller probe found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Disgraced Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe admitted this on MSNBC; a cable network dedicated to keeping rabid progressives convinced that their trash worldview is correct.

Disgraced acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe plotted an “insurance policy” against Trump’s election with Strzok and Page, and was fired for LEAKING and LYING, but even he admits Mueller's team found !




Watch and discover there was !

@RepMGS: "the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

Thank you Mary!

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Remember McCabe was part of the discussion about the insurance policy about a Trump win in 2016 between fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who reportedly signed off on the counterintelligence probe into Russian collusion that Mueller eventually oversaw, and ex-bureau lawyer Lisa Page. Page and Strzok were engaged in an extramarital affair, in which they exchanged tens of thousands of texts, most of which were anti-Trump. Strzok also was a key person in the Hillary email investigation. You can see where the allegations of bias are not off base. As for the insurance policy, it’s probably the discredited Trump dossier compiled by ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele, which was funded by the Clinton campaign, who cited sources within the Kremlin in an effort to find dirt on Trump. It was political opposition research, and possible Russian misinformation, that was used to secure a FISA spy warrant against Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. A lot of shady deeds were done during the 2016 election and Obama-appointed DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is finishing his review on the alleged FISA abuses, should unveil all of it. 

Oh, and let's not forget that McCabe admitted that top DOJ officials were discussing an illegal coup to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment. Lyin' McCabe later changed his story.

McCabe was a central figure in the anti-Trump movement during the election cycle and immediately following, it must have been difficult for him to admit defeat like this.