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Democrats Urged to Move on From Impeachment


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Democrats have pounced on the supposed ambiguity of Robert Mueller's statement regarding the president. But a recent op-ed points out that it is in the Democrat's best interest and the country's best to move on.

According to CNN:

(CNN)Despite spin from congressional Democrats (and Republican Rep. Justin Amash), special counsel Robert Mueller was not secretly gunning for impeachment in his statement on Wednesday.

And it would be divisive for the nation and a boon to our global competitors if Democrats choose to hobble our national agenda with superfluous, partisan impeachment.


Strategically, Democrats seeking to take back the White House would be diminishing their 2020 prospects if they ramrod through impeachment. According to the Washington Post, "about 6 in 10 independents are against impeachment now."


Continuing to undermine our President's good faith efforts to improve our economy, protect against foreign threats, reform our immigration system and more is the opposite of uniting our country at this polarizing time. On issues like criminal justice reform, combating the global criminalization of the LGBTI community, suicide prevention and more, the Trump administration has shown its willingness to work across the aisle.

The article goes on to discuss how impeachment proceedings could risk losing independent voters and giving Trump an easier path to victory for 2020.