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Ilhan Omar Just Gave Donald Trump a Victory He Wasn’t Expecting

Great American Daily

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Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar is the most rabid anti-Semite in Congress.

And her extreme rhetoric is tearing the Democratic Party apart at the seams.

What she just did gave President Trump a huge victory he wasn’t expecting.

Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is a political lightning rod unlike anything Washington has seen in years.

The Freshman Democrat has become one of the three most radical members of Congress since being elected in 2018.

Omar joins fellow Democrat Freshmen Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as one of the most divisive and outrageous members of the new Congress.

But in Omar’s case, she isn’t famous for being an avowed socialist like Ocasio-Cortez, or for cussing out the President of the United States like Tlaib.

Instead, she’s known for her infamous anti-Jewish and anti-Israel statements and positions.

Omar has attacked Jewish Americans for holding a “dual loyalty” and for not being true Americans.

She’s also attacked Israel for “hypnotizing the world”.

She’s promised to support the BDS movement, which seeks to destroy Israel through economic sanctions.

And her rhetoric is finally catching up to her and the rest of the Democratic Party as leaders like Nancy Pelosi refuse to condemn her words.

When condemnation of Omar’s attacks on Jews and Israel finally reached a boiling point, a resolution to condemn her remarks was drafted in Congress, only to be watered down at the last minute by Pelosi, who was too scared to stand up to her more radical members in her own caucus.

And now, Omar’s words are giving President Trump a huge victory he wasn’t expecting.

Breitbart reports, “President Donald Trump reacted to the news Friday that 2020 Democratic candidates are skipping the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference this year.”

“The Democrats have very much proven to be anti-Israel, there’s no question about that, and it’s a disgrace,” Trump said. “I don’t know what’s happened to them but they are totally anti-Israel, frankly I think they’re anti-Jewish,” adds Breitbart.

The news comes after multiple Democratic Candidates have decided to pander to Omar’s base of supporters by boycotting the annual AIPAC conference.

“2020 candidates including Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke, and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, have all said they would not attend the conference after began a petition to boycott the event,” reports Breitbart.

Alienating Jewish Americans at the expense of pandering to Omar’s radical left-wing base isn’t a winning strategy for Democrats.

Especially when those same Democrats are trying to argue that President Trump is a hateful bigot who surrounds himself with White Nationalists.

It’s difficult to argue that Trump is the bigot when former KKK leaders like David Duke are backing Ilhan Omar in the debate over Israel’s relationship with the United States.

And now, some key Democratic presidential candidates are throwing their support behind Omar, just to spite President Trump.

This, even as it means that they are normalizing Omar’s hate-filled rhetoric directed against Jewish Americans.