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Cohen Met With Dem Congressman Schiff for 10 Hours


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Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen reportedly met with Rep Adam Schiff and his staff for more than 10 hours.

According to Fox News:

President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen told House investigators this week that staff for Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., traveled to New York at least four times to meet with him for over 10 hours immediately before last month’s high-profile public testimony, according to two sources familiar with the matter -- as Republicans question whether the meetings amounted to coaching a witness.

The sources said the sessions covered a slew of topics addressed during the public hearing before the oversight committee -- including the National Enquirer’s “Catch and Kill” policy, American Media CEO David Pecker and the alleged undervaluing of President Trump's assets.

But, Republicans have signaled they're not convinced, with Ohio Rep. Mike Turner sending a letter to Cohen's team on Wednesday demanding answers.

Turner specifically asked for confirmation of Cohen’s contacts, if any, "with Democratic Members or Democratic staff of SSCI [Senate Select Committee on Intelligence], COR [House Committee on Oversight and Reform], or HPSCI [House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] prior to his appearances before House and Senate committees last week" -- as well as the lengths of such contacts, their locations and who exactly was involved.

Cohen has acknowledged that he spoke with Schiff about topics that would come up in the upcoming hearing.