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Trey Gowdy Shut Down The Democrats Plan To Impeach Trump With Just Two Words

Kelly Walsh

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Trey Gowdy

Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats in Congress are not leaving any doubts.

They intend to remove Donald Trump from office by any means necessary.

But Trey Gowdy just shut down their latest plot to impeach Donald Trump with just two words.

The House Oversight Committee paraded Michael Cohen before the TV cameras last week to drag Donald Trump through the mud.

Cohen played his part to perfection.

Trump’s disgraced former lawyer – who is heading off to prison in May for lying to Congress – served up unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, baseless allegations, and no new information about any impeachable offenses.

Even worse, Cohen was caught allegedly telling multiple lies, leading Congressman Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows to refer the Democrats’ star witness to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.

In short, the hearing was a circus.

Former Congressman Trey Gowdy recently appeared on Fox and Friends to discuss Cohen’s testimony.

Gowdy rose to national prominence as the chair for the Benghazi Select Committee which uncovered Hillary Clinton sending classified information on an unsecured email server.

The South Carolina Republican speaks with expertise and authority on Congressional investigations and dropped the hammer on the Democrats.

Gowdy told the Fox News audience that the Cohen hearing was “utterly useless.”

“What we learned this past week is how utterly useless public congressional hearings are,” Gowdy declared.

Gowdy made this remark because the Democrats use public hearings to deliver speeches instead of questioning a witness to pry new information out of them.

“I think two closed-door sessions this past week on the Senate and House side with the Intelligence committees were very helpful. That is why they’re bringing Cohen back,” Gowdy continued.

Gowdy compared the Cohen fiasco to the clinical Benghazi investigation.

“I[t] was an utter, unmitigated failure,” Gowdy told host Steve Doocy when he was asked about running public hearings.

But he noted that the closed door interviews helped move the ball down the field on the investigation.

“Which is why in the one investigation I ran we interviewed 103 people. One hundred and two of them were done behind closed doors,” Gowdy stated.

The only public Benghazi hearing was when former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified before the Select Committee.

Conservatives thought Gowdy and other Republicans did not ask Clinton tough enough questions and let her slide with evasive answers because they feared negative media coverage.

But while the Clinton hearing bombed out, Gowdy’s committee did uncover the incompetence of the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi tragedy because the committee did not waste time mugging for the cameras.

Democrats believe Cohen’s public hearing was their first move in impeaching Donald Trump.

However, Gowdy put forth a powerful counterargument: that the Democrats public spectacle shows they are only interested in partisan point scoring