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Ilhan Omar’s Disgusting Attack On The U.S. Military Will Have You Seeing Red

Kelly Walsh

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Ilhan Omar

Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is making a name for herself for all the wrong reasons.

Omar’s first month in Washington has been plagued by one scandal after another.

But those controversies paled in comparison to this disgusting attack on America that caused all hell to break loose.

Omar’s incendiary remarks from the past continue to haunt her.

In 2013, Omar sat for an interview with Ahmed Tharwat – an Arab television host with a history of spreading anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories.

Omar went over the line in her remarks.

She excused acts of terrorism like the 9/11 attacks that murdered 3,000 innocent Americans as a reaction to American military involvement overseas.

“When are we gonna decide or realize that terrorism is a reaction? It’s an ideology, it’s a means of things, it’s not an entity, it’s not a place, people. It’s a reaction to a situation,” Tharwat asked Omar during the interview.

“Yes. What you’re insinuating is what nobody wants to face,” Omar answered. “Nobody wants to face how the actions of the other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the rise of the radicalization and the rise of terrorist acts.”

Omar believes America deserves terrorist attacks.

“Usually most people want to not look internal [sic] and see what [are] their actions that makes another react. For us, it’s always, ‘I must have not done anything. Why is it happening to me?’ Nobody wants to take accountability of how these are byproducts of the actions of our involvement in other people’s affairs,” Omar concluded.

Democrats have been peddling nonsense like this for years.

To the left, the true victims are the people in Muslim nations brutalized by America’s military power.

Liberals believe deep down that Americans killed in terrorist attacks got what they deserved because they support the United States military – which the left believes is the tool in an inherently evil and racist nation.

Americans were appalled.

One of their elected officials took up for terrorists and sided against innocent Americans murdered in acts of Islamic terrorism.

Critics believe Democrats like Omar – who belong to the “blame America First” caucus – cannot be counted on to faithfully defend the United States of America.

Radical Islamic terrorism is a problem.

And sometimes – when terrorists threaten America – dealing with it requires a military response.

Omar and her anti-American allies believe the United States military – and not the terrorists – are to blame for the killings.

So they want to shelve the military when it comes to dealing with the crisis of radical Islamic terrorism.

That weakness only invites further attacks.

If groups like ISIS see that the United States can be bullied into dropping the military option as a response to terrorism, they will only be emboldened to launch bigger and more deadly terrorist attacks.

In any sane political party, Omar’s comments would end her career.

But in the Democrat Party, they will only cause her to become a bigger rock star.