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Nancy Pelosi Just Declared War On Donald Trump With This Insane Move

Kelly Walsh

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Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi is looking to humiliate Donald Trump.

After taking over as Speaker of the House, Pelosi is now set to attack the President with everything she has.

And this shocking move is nothing less than her declaration against him.

Nancy Pelosi made it clear that she wants to take down President Trump.

After sweeping back into power as Speaker of the House at the beginning of the year, Pelosi has made it her mission to attack Trump at every turn.

And this latest move is a sign of things to come.

The Daily Caller reports, “Democrats in the House of Representatives introduced a resolution to block President Donald Trump’s national emergency that could allow him to build a wall on the southern border.”

The emergency declaration was issued by President Trump after signing a bipartisan compromise to avert a second government shutdown.

Earlier in the year, the longest federal government shutdown in history took place with Democrats working to block President Trump’s attempts to secure the border and build a wall with Mexico.

These two items were also key campaign promises made by Trump in 2016, allowing him to defeat Hillary Clinton in a stunning upset.

President Trump is obviously looking to make good on his promises, while Democrats see an opportunity to attack him while also rallying their left-wing base.

The budget battle which had been raging for the better part of a month has since turned into one of the biggest political battles of 2019.

Pelosi’s objective in all of this is clear, to stop President Trump from building the wall and to keep America’s southern border from being secured from further illegal immigration.

To that end, Speaker Pelosi sent a letter to House members last Thursday asking them to “move swiftly to pass this bill.”

Stopping the emergency declaration has been a top priority for Democrats.

Several Democratic presidential candidates have come out against the move, with Elizabeth Warren even suggesting that she would like to issue similar emergency declarations to confiscate firearms or address “climate change” should she be elected to office.

In the Senate, there are a few Republican Senators who have signaled their displeasure over President Trump’s declaration.

With Republicans holding a moderate majority in the chamber, there is a slight chance a resolution moving to block the emergency declaration could pass Congress, though getting such a bill past the Senate would be difficult for any such resolution to pass.

The emergency declaration could end up being resolved in the courts, with lawsuits directed against President Trump already being prepared.

Regardless of what method the Democrats use to attack Trump on immigration, the President is likely on solid footing.

This means that Pelosi’s move to pass a resolution blocking it is nothing short of political red meat for her liberal base.

However, while it seems unlikely that much will come of her recent move to block President Trump’s wall, the resolution Pelosi is backing can’t be interpreted as anything less than a political declaration of war on Trump.