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These Allegations Of Terrorist Sympathies Are Destroying A Rising Star Democrat’s Career

Kelly Walsh

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Ilhan Omar Democrats

The 2018 elections brought a wave of new Democrats to D.C.

Among them are some of the most radical members of Congress to have ever been elected to office.

And one such freshman Democrat is reeling from allegations of terrorist sympathies.

Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is usually considered one of the top three biggest disruptors in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, alongside fellow Democrats Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

All three were elected to office in the same wave that brought Nancy Pelosi back into power as House Speaker.

Her record, while brief, is one of the most radical in all of D.C.

After lying about not supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel while running for Congress, Omar immediately turned around and fully endorsed the movement, which is designed to cripple Israel economically.

It was then revealed that she had tweeted anti-Semitic comments about Israel, accusing the Jewish state of committing “evil doings” while alleging that Israel had “hypnotized the world”.

Both of these allegations are serious charges against Congresswoman Omar’s increasingly anti-Jewish political positions.

But they pale in comparison to recent revelations that she worked to obtain light sentences for American citizens convicted of trying to join ISIS.

The Daily Caller reports, “Back in 2016, Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar wrote a letter to a judge requesting a more lenient sentence on behalf of a Minnesota man who was accused of trying to join ISIS.”

In April 2015, Abdirahman Yasin Daud and two other young men were arrested in San Diego for trying to join ISIS. Daud specifically was caught trying to buy fake passports in order to travel to Syria. Federal prosecutors requested Daud spend 30 years in prison followed by a lifetime of supervised release.

Then Daud had sent text messages to a Syrian terrorist cell linked to ISIS, coordinating his alibi for their eventual journey to Syria.

Omar meanwhile wrote letters to the judges overseeing the case.

“Incarcerating 20-year-old men for 30 or 40 years is essentially a life sentence. Society will have no expectations of the to be 50 or 60-year-old released prisoners; it will view them with distrust and revulsion,” Omar’s letter to the judge read.

“Such punitive measures not only lack efficacy, they inevitably create an environment in which extremism can flourish, aligning with the presupposition of terrorist recruitment,” she added.

Daud ended up being convicted anyway, and sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The news that Omar had tried to get the release or a lighter sentence applied to a man convicted of joining a radical Islamic terrorist group just broke this month.

And the scandal comes after several hints had been dropped, often by Omar herself, that the Minnesota Congresswoman had sympathies with those seeking to destroy Israel and impose an Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East.

Omar has refused to comment on the matter to the press.

But the scandal has already begun to take its toll.

Jewish groups and activists have already condemned Omar for her political backtracking, and her increasingly worrisome history of comments directed against the Jewish state.