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Here Are The Senate's 5 Biggest RINOs


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The Senate's 5 Biggest RINOs

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

RINOs are total frauds and a complete waste of a seat, the worst part is that we can’t tell if they are RINOs until they start voting on our behalf. They have stabbed the American people in the back more times than we can count and they plan on beating every pro-American Bill down for the remainder of the Trump presidency. Here are the 5 backstabbing RINOs that lurk in the dark corners of the Senate:


1.) Mitt Romney

·        2019-01-25

·        Source: TTN staff

·        by: TTN

By Mark Taylor via Wikimedia Commons

Complete loser Mitt Romney who handed the American people the sweet gift of another Obama term 6 years ago is now in the Senate. He snuck right through the cracks and is already living up to the name RINO Romney. He voted to reopen the government with no wall funding yesterday. He won’t even give Trump a chance and that is plain stupid.



2.) Cory Gardener

·        2019-01-25

·        Source: TTN staff

·        by: TTN

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

Cory Gardener is a total RINO, he might as well start his next campaign off with the slogan “MAKE RINOS GREAT AGAIN” because he wheres the RINO label with pride. The failure in him is his massive voting record which is a treasure trove of nonsense and Democrat-like yes votes. He votes for massive spending bills and big government projects with no criticism. At least some people tell their voters the bill is trash but they are voting for it because they are pinned down, he just keeps his mouth shut and rubber stamps



3.) Lisa Murkowski

·        2019-01-25

·        Source: TTN staff

·        by: TTN

By NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan MCC(SCW) Francis J. Carroll [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Lisa Murkowski is a RINO, you can see the ivory horn a mile away. If you remember the Kavanaugh debacle then you will remember that she stabbed Kavanaugh in the back. She was squeamish because of the media hail storm that was coming down on him. This RINO, like every RINO, is a spineless coward who will do what the media tells them to do.  



4.) Susan Collins

·        2019-01-25

·        Source: TTN staff

·        by: TTN

Pete Souza via Wikimedia Commons

Conservative Review lists Susan Collins as the biggest RINO in the Senate. She has a liberty score of 10%, the score they use is based on their voting record and if they voted liberal or conservative. She voted to keep funding abortion with taxpayer money. She voted against balancing the budget with no tax increases. She is a democrat plain as day.



5.) John Cornyn

·        2019-01-25

·        Source: TTN staff

·        by: TTN

Cornyn is a RINO with a big ivory horn, he voted to advance the massive $1.3 Trillion Omnibus bill that almost exclusively helped out the Democrats for starters. He voted to give Planned Parenthood a raise, he voted for the Puerto Rico bailout, and he supported a common core loving secretary of education. It's almost as if he isn’t a Republican, take the R off of your ticket if you don’t want to help the RNC and Trump.