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GOP Led House Passes Trump's Border Wall Funding


President Trump got a big win Thursday night when the House of Representatives voted to include funding for the wall in the short-term continuing resolution that will keep the government open.


According to The Daily Wire:

The U.S. House of Representatives approved $5.7 billion for President Donald Trump's proposed border wall on Thursday night after Trump said that he would not sign a short-term continuing resolution approved by the Senate because it did not include funding for the wall.


"House approves $5.7 billion for President Trump's border wall, sending bill back to Senate and raising risk of partial shutdown," The Associated Press tweeted.

BREAKING: House approves $5.7 billion for President Trump's border wall, sending bill back to Senate and raising risk of partial shutdown

Funding for the border wall passed 217-185 along party lines and now goes to the Senate for a vote.


President Trump took to Twitter yesterday to share his thoughts:

The Democrats, who know Steel Slats (Wall) are necessary for Border Security, are putting politics over Country. What they are just beginning to realize is that I will not sign any of their legislation, including infrastructure, unless it has perfect Border Security. U.S.A. WINS!

With so much talk about the Wall, people are losing sight of the great job being done on our Southern Border by Border Patrol, ICE and our great Military. Remember the Caravans? Well, they didn’t get through and none are forming or on their way. Border is tight. Fake News silent!


When I begrudgingly signed the Omnibus Bill, I was promised the Wall and Border Security by leadership. Would be done by end of year (NOW). It didn’t happen! We foolishly fight for Border Security for other countries - but not for our beloved U.S.A. Not good!

The House Freedom Caucus also issued a statement via Twitter:



Republicans in Congress have continually told the American people that we would fight for wall funding, and today the House of Representatives took its first step toward fulfilling that promise. The Senate must follow our lead.

Trump is urging the Senate to get the spending bill including the funding for th
e wall passed no matter what they have to do to make it happen. It remains unclear if they will include the funding or not