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END Federal Employees Are Warned Not to Discuss Trump ‘Resistance’ at Work

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BATTLE FOR WORLD / MSM – November 30, 2018: The article highlights that at workplaces across the United States, it is routine for Americans’ conversations to turn to President Trump — whether his policies are good, whether he should be impeached, what to think about the “resistance.” Some drink from MAGA mugs; others tape cartoons to their cubicle walls portraying Mr. Trump as a Russian quisling.

But roughly two million people who work for the federal government have now been told that it may be illegal for them to participate in such discussions at work — a pronouncement that legal specialists say breaks new ground, and that some criticized as going too far.

The reasoning behind the guidance centers on the fact that Mr. Trump is already running for re-election in 2020.

“We understand that the ‘resistance’ and ‘#resist’ originally gained prominence shortly after President Trump’s election in 2016 and generally related to efforts to oppose administration policies,” the guidance said – referring to the guidance document distributed on Wednesday (November 28), the independent agency that enforces the Hatch Act, a law that bars federal employees from taking part in partisan political campaigns at work.

(BattleForWorld: Public, don’t you be stupid and participate in any resistance. The elite ones calling for such will not participate because they will be at home behind their security gates. The public will be left on their own to face the wrath of the police and the military for the corporate media to exploit and stir up even more civil disorder. Don’t do it. Stand-down. Politics is a scam.)