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Irish Lawmaker SHREDS Obama – Calls Him 'Hypocrite Of The Century' And War Criminal…VIDEO!

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After viewing this video several times, it’s almost impossible not to cheer every few seconds as this Irish legislator actually does a “Donald Trump” on both the Irish Political Establishment and the First Family (including Michelle), and quite frankly it’s worthy of a 5-star performance.

However one knows hardly where to begin, in that Clare Daly’s opening remarks actually sets the tone for the remaining 5-minute speech stating that the Obama’s visit to Ireland, had her colleagues do what politicians do “almost unprecedented slobbering over them, that the nation has been exposed to for days”.

However this Irish lawmaker was actually just getting started as she addressed the apparent Obama visit during an Irish parliament meeting.

She accused Obama of being a war criminal in supplying arms in Syria, and went on a tear on the mainstream media (what else is new), and their preoccupation of what Michelle and company were having for lunch.


However Lady Daly saved the best for last asking of Obama, “is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award? Because we have to call things by their proper names, and the reality is by any serious examination, this man is a war criminal.”