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IMPEACH HIM NOW!! – Obama Plans To Bypass Senate To Force…

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Sept. 1, 2016

President Barack Obama is at it again, fellow patriots. The separation of powers so wisely created by our Founding Fathers is being trampled on—usurping our rights as a free people in the process.

President Obama is planning on entering into the Paris climate change accord WITHOUT approval by the United States Senate.

The White House has defended Obama’s overstepping of power wholeheartedly—once again.

“The president will use his authority that has been used in dozens of executive agreements in the past to join and formally deposit our instrument of acceptance and therefore put our country as a party to the Paris Agreement,” an Obama administration communications team member said at a press conference earlier this week.

Reports coming out of China claim Obama will sign the climate change accord during his visit to the Communist nation this week.

White House officials have so far denied there is a date and location set for the signing, but inking the deal in a Communist country seems an appropriate spot for Obama to engage in such corrupt treachery.

One of Obama’s senior advisers, Brian Deese, claimed the president does have the legal power to sign the Paris climate change accord without approval of the Senate.

According to Obama’s minion, the accord is just an “executive agreement” and not a treaty, which requires a two-thirds approval vote in the Senate, the Washington Times reports.

Deese really needs to reread the Constitution during his next coffee break.

The three co-equal branches of government created by the Founding Fathers and written in stone in the Constitution created a nation based on a set of laws and a country to be governed by the people—not an emperor.

Obama’s action, like many similar ones in the past, turns We the People from citizens into serfs.

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