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Finally! Obama Being Called Out For TREASON (VIDEO)

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Aug. 24, 2016

After, what seems to have been an eternity, of watching the Obama administration violate laws, put Americans in danger, aid and abet our enemies, disregard national security issues, and on, and on, and on … with no intervention from any authority, political check and balance system, the main stream media, or even the voting electorate, … someone is now calling Obama out. And they are saying the “T” word. TREASON. It’s about time.


Sebastian Gorka has accused the Obama administration of treason by the way they have lied to the public and manipulated evidence regarding ISIS in order to advance his agendas in the middle east. posted this interview with Gorka:

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, the Major General Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair in Military Theory at the Marine Corps University, has accused the Obama administration of treason for manipulating intelligence in order to keep the American public in the dark about the fight against ISIS.

new report shows that dozens of intelligence analysts had their reports altered by higher-ups at the Department of Defense’s Central Command (CENTCOM) in order to downplay the ISIS threat.

The manipulation of facts was done to distort the reality behind the rise of ISIS and make President Obama look better.

Gorka charges that these acts are “tantamount to treason” and had this taken place during the World War II era, people would “have been court-martialed and they could have been executed.”

This FOX video reports General Tony Tata blowing the whistle on the U.S. government “cooking the books” regarding ISIS intel.

More from Menrec:

It is so easy at this stage of Obama’s presidential career to laugh off such manipulation of data. We’re used to seeing it. Remember when they manipulated data to fudge unemployment numbers? When they manipulated data on border security and deportations? When they doctored census bureau questions to improve Obamacare statistics? Or when they completely made up new terms such as “lives touched” to inflate job numbers created by the stimulus?

This is much more serious. The Obama administration, through CENTCOM, purposely manipulated data so the president could go on national television and claim that ISIS has been contained. To give a sense of unwarranted comfort while terrorist attacks were actively being plotted in San Bernardino and Orlando.

They clearly were not contained. This is a tangible, provable lie perpetrated on the American people by the White House.

While it has taken far too long for anyone to utter the word TREASON, at least it’s a start, and hopefully, the results of the election in the next few months will bring some justice against these traitors.