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Mike King

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May 27, 2016




Some really weird points of data regarding the mega-hyped 2015 Triple Crown racehorse winner 'American Pharoah' and this year's presidential race have been swirling about in my head. While hoping that this hypothesis proves wrong, we nonetheless feel that it is important to get this theory "out there" in the event that the connection turns out to be real.




1: Based upon the erroneous belief that the ancient Pharaohs (kings) of Egypt were Black/Brown, President Obongo has often been likened to a Pharaoh.,_P060409PS-0832.jpg



2: In 2015, the super-hyped racehorse named "American Pharoah" (misspelled) accomplished the very rare feat of winning all three of the "Triple Crown" events of horse racing (a sport that has always been prone to rigging).






3: The owners of American Pharoah, like the owners of Obongo, are wealthy Zionist Jews -- the Zayat family from Egypt.




4: Like so many other things New World Order, American Pharoah was surrounded by Satanic 6-6-6 symbolism. The superhorse was numbered '18' (6+6+6) for its Kentucky Derby victory, and was used to promote Monster Energy Drink -- a beverage which prominently features the Hebrew numbers 6-6-6 and an upside crucifix (when you pour it) as its logo.



Who owns Monster?


Jewish Billionaire Rodney Sacks, whose sister Caron is married to Israeli politician Ze'ev Bielsk



5: Obongo (through his Justice Department investigations) and the media (through their promotion of Bernie Sanders and continued attacks on Killary) continue to undermine her viability as a candidate. Obongo has the power to protect Killary (as he protected the accused embezzler Mayor Kevin Johnson (here), as he protected the accused voter intimidation thug Black Panthers (here), as he protected the accused vote-fraud group ACORN (here), as he protected the accused embezzler Governor John Corzine (here), as he protected tax delinquent Al Sharpton (here)) So, why is he not protecting her?



6:  Obongo is obsessed with Donald Trump -- bashing him at every turn. This is unprecedented behavior for a lame duck President. If Obongo is so concerned about Trump becoming the next President, then why is he is allowing the drip-drip investigations of Killary to go forward and damage her candidacy so much?





Obongo's Feds will wait for the opportune time to take down Killary as the Democrat Convention descends into chaos and open warfare between the Killary and Sanders camps. For the "good" of the Party and the country, a movement to draft a "reluctant" Obongo to "unite the Party" and run for a third term run emerges. Obama declares that he will only accept if the Supreme Court allows it. With the oh-so-convenient recent death murder of Antonin Scalia, a 4-4 deadlock clears the way for an Obongo third term. Massive voter fraud and illegal alien voters carry the day in November as Pharaoh Obongo noses out Donald Trump to win his 'Triple Crown'.




The Fed crashes the economy and Obongo picks a fight with Russia / China while suspending the elections altogether.


Sound crazy? Maybe it is. But if someone had told you, 10 years ago, that a pair of "married" communist homosexuals would be our next President and co-President, would you have believed him? If indeed Obongo pulls an FDR; then neither the success of the horse-Pharoah (misspelled) nor the Presidential "Triple Crown Winner" will have been by accident.


Just something to keep in mind in case the slow-motion collapse of Killary Clinton continues to unfold.


Washington Times / October, 2015:


Confidence man: Obama Boasts He Could Coast to Third Term as President


Analysts cast boast as unrealistic, perhaps even politically delusional





* Strangly, 'Pharoah' the horse carries a mispelled name that switches the "o" with the "a". (Should be 'Pharaoh')

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