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Ranch Owner Sees Increase of Illegal Crossing Activity in Area

RINCON — A landowner living near Rincon said illegal crossing activity has started to pick up in the area.

The landowner named Junior asked CHANNEL 5 NEWS not to use his last name. He said he makes it out to his family ranch at least twice a week. He likes to relax, target shoot and enjoy the nighttime scenery there.

Junior said sometimes he sees small groups of people walking through the rancher after crossing the Rio Grande River. That changed a few days ago when he saw a big crowd.

“When I do see a group, it ranges between five, 10, maybe 15,” Junior said. “But 10 days ago, when I saw 30, 40, almost 40, people, I knew something is coming up, it’s changing. And it’s not changing for the good.”

Junior said he worries this may be an indication of another surge of people crossing illegally, like the one in 2014.

“I grew up here; I did my homework here. The school bus picked me up here. I feel right at home here,” he said. “These knuckleheads aren’t going to scare me. I got a shot gun. I got a Winchester. I mean, I’m not going to shoot them unless they attack us, attack me.”

City Assisting with Influx of People Crossing Border Illegally

MCALLEN — The impact of people who enter the country illegally is costing taxpayers for now. The city of McAllen is helping with the current influx.

The tab is running. McAllen spent $365,736 since the first influx of Central Americans hit the Rio Grande Valley two years ago. Now, the city is preparing for another wave.

The goal is to goal is to get ahead of the game by talking to people who run the Sacred Heart Respite Center.

Junior said more needs to be done to control the number of people entering the U.S. illegally. He said Mexico should take some of the responsibility. Central Americans crossing into the U.S. travel through Mexico to get here.

“It’s putting us to shame. They’re laughing at our rules, at our laws. They’re laughing at us,” Junior said. “I don’t mind them coming over here, but what I do mind is they make a mockery of our laws, our rules. We can’t even go over there in Mexico and buy land. That’s what ticks me off.”

Feds open Texas border to 4,000 Cubans, security interview lasts just 1 hour before release

U.S. Border Patrol officials are opening up the Texas border to let 4,000 Cubans in, taking about an hour to interview them and check their criminal background, before letting them enter the United States on their own where most will stay for life.

Aware that Panama had airlifted nearly 250 of 4,000 Cubans to the Mexican border near El Paso, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency said it stands ready to process the new immigrants with speed, in fact faster it takes many Americans to get a drivers license or buy a gun.

In an email to the Center for Immigration Studies, which has charted the explosion of Cuban immigration since President Obama approved warmer relations, the Border Patrol said that it “is prepared to process the expected increase in Cubans applying for admission at El Paso area ports of entry. CBP officers will process Cuban nationals in accordance with established procedures as expeditiously as possible while maintaining requirements and standards for individuals in our care.”

N4T Investigators: Border Patrol union says directive provides open invitation to undocumented immigrants


KVOA | | Tucson, Arizona

Border Patrol agents’ union representatives say a directive from the Department of Homeland Security is providing an open invitation to undocumented immigrants wanting to enter the United States. But Customs and Border Protection said that is not the case and there have been no stand-down directives issued.

According to National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, the directive said Border Patrol agents should not issue a notice to appear at deportation hearings to undocumented immigrants who tell agents they have been in the country since January 2014, even if they cannot provide proof.

Another directive issued in November states that an undocumented immigrant’s removal will hinge on the judgment of an immigration officer. “[If] the alien is not a threat to the integrity of the immigration system or there are factors suggesting the alien should not be an enforcement priority.”

Agents have dubbed this technique as a ‘catch and release’.

Seen At 11: Canadian Border Presents Its Own Security Concerns For United States


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork)—The U.S.-Mexico border has been a topic of much debate this election season. But should our national attention be more focused toward our neighbors to the north?

The Canadian border, just 300 miles from New York City, presents its own challenges, the scope of which CBS2’s Maurice DuBois saw firsthand during an exclusive tour earlier this week.

All that separates the two countries for miles at a time is a split rail fence that you’d find in any ordinary backyard. During DuBois’ tour, Border Control Division Chief Bradley Curtis spotted a horse that can cross the border with no trouble.

But the four-legged border jumper is the least of our concerns, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

“We see alien smuggling. We see narcotic smuggling. We see currency smuggling,” Border Patrol Operations Officer Brad Brandt said.