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Piers Morgan Shocks the Media, Says THIS About Barack Obama

Angr Patrot

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March 2j8k, 2016

Picture this for a second. You’re sitting the Brussels airport, enjoying a coffee and just about to check your e-mail. Suddenly there is a loud, jarring sound, and people are running everywhere. You have just become the victim of the 2016 Brussels terror attack. Thankfully, you survive. You are laying in a Belgian hospital bed with a piece of shrapnel lodged in your liver, and you turn on the television to see the President of the United States dancing the tango with some floozy in Argentina! Think you’d be mad? Well, you wouldn’t be the only one. Even liberal thinkers such as Piers Morgan are having a hard time understanding this president.

Morgan said, according to, the following: “Why does he not seem to have a clue how to behave when major atrocities happen around the world?” We echo Morgan’s sentiments, and we also ask, “seriously, what the hell is wrong with this man?”

Belgium has established itself as a long-time ally of the United States. It is a fellow member of NATO, and President Obama is essentially the leader of NATO in his capacity as leader of the United States.

Where is your show of support, Mr. President?

It’s pretty shameful the land of the free has been reduced to this. The Belgians are literally putting us to shame, performing raids as I write this.

Apparently, our president is too busy partying with his friends in Cuba and Argentina to issue a show of solidarity from the Oval Office.

I honestly cannot ever remember a President acting so shamefully during such a critical time.

Seriously, Mr. President, it’s pretty bad when even Piers Morgan is starting to get ticked off. Stop dancing with people overseas, and go home and do your job.

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