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Michale Thalen

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Jan. 4, 2016

President says proposal "well within my legal authority and the executive branch"

I’m… confident that the recommendations that are being made by my team here are ones that are entirely consistent with the Second Amendment and people’s lawful right to bear arms,” the president said.

Obama defended the proposed actions, which have yet to be specified, following a meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey.

“These are not only recommendations that are well within my legal authority and the executive branch but they’re also ones that the overwhelming majority of the American people, including gun owners, support…” he added.

According to reports, President Obama is expected to expand background checks while also barring Americans secretly placed on the government’s controversial no-fly list from purchasing firearms.

The president, who also argued that bypassing Congress would “potentially save lives,” plans to announce the executive actions “over the next several days.”

Despite President Obama’s insistent stance on gun control, a new Gallup poll found that only 2 percent of Americans view “guns” and “gun control” as a major issue facing the country. In contrast, 16 percent of Americans agreed that the government itself was the “top problem.”

Multiple Republican lawmakers, including Texas Governor Greg Abbott, have vocally protested the president’s plan.

“Obama wants to impose more gun control,” Abbott tweeted Friday. “My response? COME & TAKE IT.”