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Bob Amoroso

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Dec. 13, 2015

Why it has taken this long to begin a formal investigation into this president’s handling of Muslim extremists is beyond reasoning, in that there’s enough preponderance of evidence to file charges of criminal malfeasance that quite frankly borders on treason.

And although it’s welcomed news that finally three committees in the House of Representatives have announced they were finally launching concurrent investigations into allegations that President Obama deliberately manipulated intelligence reports from Syria and Iraq helping ISIS to thrive.

Anyone that actually follows events on “the war on terrorism” has known for at least the last 5-years of Obama’s presidency that he has been purposely giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy, everyone that is, except those on  the Armed Services Committee.

It seems that Reps. Ken Calvert of California, Mike Pompeo of Kansas and Brad Wenstrup of Ohio have all awaken suddenly from their slumber to finally lead the investigations for the Armed Services Committee, Intelligence Committee and the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, respectively.

“In addition to looking into the specific allegations, the Joint Task Force will examine whether these allegations reflect systemic problems across the intelligence enterprise in CENTCOM or any other pertinent intelligence organizations,” read a joint statement from Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Rodney Freylinghuysen, R-N.J.

The report that 50 intelligence officials at CENTCOM had signed a letter claiming intelligence on the Islamic State group had been doctored apparently prompted these politicians to move.

However most thinking Americans can sum up the reason the Intelligence Committee has not investigated sooner…a lack of backbone!