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Everybody's losing it: Obama unhinged ... media promoting extremism ... universities embracing racist agendas ... as America devolves into utter insanity

J.D. Heyes

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Dec. 11, 2015

 (NaturalNews) It's hard to imagine that our founding fathers would recognize the country they bequeathed to us.

Many things would capture their imagination and no doubt garner their approval, given the context of the founding document they wrote – such as full equality for all Americans in all aspects of their personal, public and professional lives.

They would no doubt marvel at the highly advanced technology and industrial capacity we have achieved.

They would surely be amazed by our advances in medicine, science and travel. The moon landings would probably blow their minds.

But there would also be a great many things that would no doubt trouble, confound and anger them, and perhaps even cause them to wonder about the future of the country they left to their "posterity," as many of us are wondering today.

-- For the president with a reputation as an even-handed guy (former advisor David Axelrod labeled him "no drama Obama" during the 2008 campaign), there are certainly things that do exercise him, but not things that ought to. For example, this "constitutional law professor" can't seem to go two days without complaining about the Second Amendment or finding some way to work race into the national conversation. Just the other day he took the unorthodox step of observing the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery – as if there is some point to reminding the country of the amendment and what it accomplished ... 150 years later. We know, Mr. President.

Further, the founders would likely be thoroughly confused by a president who, in the face of attacks, seems incapable of, or unwilling to, assume the leadership mantle of commander-in-chief and meeting that threat with every available ounce of U.S. power.

-- What is occurring on college campuses around the country today would at first excite our founders because they were bastions of free speech – before disappointing them greatly once they realized that they have really only become bastions of certain kinds of speech. They would reel at the hypocrisy of intolerant people labeling those who disagree with them as intolerant. They would recoil at some students' cavalier disregard for personal responsibility while demanding that others bear the brunt (and costs) of providing their education. And what would they think about the endless complaints about racism in a country where the president has just praised the one amendment that made a minority equal?

-- Propaganda disguised as media wasn't what the founders had in mind when they wrote (and states ratified) the Bill of Rights' First Amendment. The idea that ideologues would serve as reporters, editors and media consultants, was anathema to a group of men more concerned about using media to empower the masses and pressure the powerful. They would have had difficulty with"news" reports that seem skewed to reflect poorly on certain races and sexes – like the mainstream media's obsession with the "white guy" who shot and killed three people recently at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, or its race to report that two "white people" had shot up a holiday party in California (which turned out, of course, to be wholly untrue).

-- And as careful as the founders were to create three co-equal branches of government, they would never have envisioned a federal court system that the government used to punish any dissent, difference of opinion or religious objections, as in cases where the Supreme Court mandated same-sex marriage in all states; where courts have levied fines and punishments on private business owners who, for religious reasons, chose not to do business with homosexuals; and where justices have crafted law out of whole cloth, like they did in defending Obamacare from various legal, constitutional challenges.

While there is much the founding fathers would find fascinating and wondrous about the country they bequeathed us, there is much that would only disturb and confuse them, and leave them thinking, "Isn't that why we rebelled against England?"
