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Oct. 28, 205

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. – Declaration of Independence, 1776

Mordor-On-The-Potomac (aka: Washington D.C.) is nothing more than a corrupt Beast, having usurped the Constitution and pursuing policies and plans that are reducing us under absolute Despotism.

Why do we continue to allow ourselves to be conquered by this evil?  When will Americans wake up and realize that the Federal Beast has no legitimate moral authority over us?  Rather all it has is guns they put to our heads while they practice lawlessness and flaunt their tyranny in our faces.

Like ObamaCare – everything in Washington is done in secret, behind closed doors, like the Old Soviet Union. The Ruling Class twists the

arms of our supposed Representatives to vote for bills NONE OF THEM HAVE READ.  They sabotage anyone not in lockstep with their agenda of empowering the Beast, and select rulers from among themselves so as to silence the voice of this people.

No appropriate time is even given to read and study all these omnibus spending bills, regulatory bills and other such institutions of despotism being imposed on us.


The Latest Boehner middle finger to America: 2 year – 20 trillion dollar debt budget deal funds Obama’s entire agenda until after 2017

So Boehner hands Obama’s dictatorship another year after his term is supposedly up, funds everything Obama wants and eliminates the federal spending cap for the next 2 years, meaning Washington can spend whatever it wants on whatever it wants.

Ask yourself – if you are broke, can you call your credit card company and demand they raise your credit limit so you can spend tenfold more than your current overdue balance is ?  Can you tell your credit card company that you also will defer all payments for the next few years?  Then, after making these demands, you THREATEN them with non-payment if they do not do as you request?  You think you can get away with that?

The American Federal Government just did this.  And is getting away with it – to the absolute ruin of your children and grandchildren.  The entire Federal Government is CONSIGNING us and our progeny to unimaginable ruin, poverty and destruction.


Hillary Gets Absolved

A Congenital Liar that is responsible for killing Americans, enriching herself off the people, selling her office for donations while pursuing more power, are absolved from all their wrongdoing by grant from the Praetorian Pravda Media.  Joe Sixpack Businessman would rot in prison for even a minor infraction such as not backing up his e-mails much less setting up a secret server trading classified documents over the internet.  But Hillary is absolved.

Because in this new Despotism, some animals are more equal than others.


No Charges or Criminal Indictments For Corrupt IRS Head Lois Lerner thanks to self-investigation by Obama

Heads of agencies, using their office to attack, punish and eradicate political opposition after erasing the evidence of their treason against the American people, are exonerated and given cushy pensions we pay for.

Using the IRS to harass, punish and abolish Conservative and Christian groups is now an institution that is permissible under the Beast that rules us.


So exactly why do we Americans allow ourselves to be subjugated by this evil tyranny?  What more evidence do we need to understand that the entirety of the Federal Government is wholly illegitimate?  From the Executive Branch, to the Legislative and Judicial branches, they have all demonstrated that they will usurp, violate, abolish by decree – and ignore THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES when it suits them.  They act OUTSIDE the bounds of the Constitution.  They abolished the Separation of Powers.  They have created a defacto dictatorship under the rule of oligarchs.  They will not follow the Rule of Law, rather they decree that the rule of law is whatever they say it is.

Then they declare that you ‘voted’ for this.

As such – the entirety of the Federal Government of the United States has no legitimate, moral authority under Heaven.  Instead, it is become an institution of Satan – and wholly evil, despite supposed ‘citizens’ this people think they send to Mordor to represent them in matters of Justice.

All this Beast in Washington has, are guns that it will put to your head to force your compliance with their edicts and tyranny.

Or are you more willing to suffer, because this evil is sufferable, rather than abolish this form of tyranny to which you are accustomed?