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Oct. 21, 2015

The Obama administration considers the U.S., Mexico, and Canada to be the North American Union – not independent nations – although the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) failed to be enacted under the Clinton administration.  However, Obama has been successful in getting Congress to ratify, sight unseen, the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which supposedly only deals with international trade.  Intelligent adults normally don’t sign any contracts or agreements without having read and understood them first, but the majority of our Congressmen today don’t seem to be rational when those agreements are not strictly personal, despite the fact that American taxpayers pay their salaries and expect them to do their job.  Even a newly-arrived immigrant who cannot speak English can sign an agreement without knowing what it says.  We have a right to expect far more from Congressmen, many of whom are highly intelligent and are attorneys who are skilled in reading contracts and other legal agreements.

While most Congressmen have been denied the opportunity to read the TPP, and those who have read it have been sworn not to divulge what it contains, information has leaked out that gives us an idea what is in it.

First of all, Jeremiah Johnson, in his article “A Relentless Push Into Totalitarianism:  Are The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Jade Helm Interrelated?” (5/12/15, or, quotes “Ten Things You Need To Know About Fast Track,” by Michael Hammond.  The following are the first eight points which I believe are the most important:

1.     Fast Track transfers all authority vested in Congress to Obama and any successive


2.     There is no recourse after Fast Track has been attained.

3.     The President will have no limits to his authority.

4.     Agreements that have not been formulated will be able to be entered into without Congressional approval.

5.     The secret agreements (Fast Track and the TPP) would enable unlimited amounts of illegal aliens to obtain “amnesty” . . .

6.     The Republican leaders are in lock-step with Obama’s goals.

7.     There is plenty of room to incorporate bans on firearms into the TPP or subsequent agreements.

8.     Environmental and EPA measures and safeguards will be vehicles used to further gain control over the populace.

Mike Adams, in his article “Republicans Go Full Pelosi in Shameless Push to Pass Ultra-Secret TPP Trade Deal So We Can All Find Out What’s In It” (5/12/15,, adds the following to the above list:

9.     The TPP would expand pharmaceutical monopolies and encourage even more patent abuse by Big Pharma (this will drive up the cost of medicine).  (China took over much of the pharmaceutical drug manufacturing for Big Pharma in the U.S. and England back in the 1950s.)

10.  The natural supplements marketplace would be destroyed by criminalizing vitamins, herbs and superfoods (this would be in line with CODEX Alimentarius.  “Coincidentally,” the U.N. World Health Organization held a conference on this issue in July 2015).

11.  GMO (and Mad Cow disease) labeling would be outlawed.

12.  Saving seeds without corporate approval would be criminalized (this might mean that home gardening would also be criminalized, and one would have to get a license and government approval to be a farmer).

13.  Foreign governments would dictate what products U.S. companies can sell to Americans and under what terms.  (Other nations would be forced to buy our GMO products, and we would be forced to buy imported foods contaminated by chemicals and poisons which have been outlawed in America such as dioxin, DDT, and industrial wastes, etc.  Country-of-origin labeling might even by eliminated to prevent discrimination, and Americans could be taken to court for organizing a boycott against a corporation’s products.)

14.  The TPP would also roll back Wall Street banking regulations and give the banks more freedom to trade risky derivatives.

Recent articles add that:

15.  The TPP will cut $700 million from Medicare (see “Breaking:  Big Medicare Cuts in the TPP Deal,” 5/18/15,

16.  An unlimited number of workers would be allowed into our nation, and companies that hire them would be given $3,000 - 5,000 for each worker since they would not be eligible for Obamacare.  Also, they would not count toward 50 employees in a company, the threshold for having to pay the Obamacare penalty. Neither Congress nor the president would be able to stop this inflow in the future since the TPP trumps all of our laws (Voice of Reason, “What Makes The Trans-Pacific Partnership So Bad?  You Better Sit Down,” 6/10/15, 

17.  The TPP will allow monitoring and policing of the internet (“Secret Laws, Secret Courts, Secret Prisons . . . Now Secret Treaties,” 5/18/15, investmentwatchblog. com).

Tyler Durden in his article “A Multinational Trojan Horse:  The Trans-Pacific Partnership” (5/9/15, adds:

18.  The TPP has been called “NAFTA on steroids.”  The multinational corporations are set free to scour the earth for the cheapest.  Of those in the 28 trade advisory committees on different aspects of the TPP, 85 percent are senior corporate executives or industry lobbyists (such as Walmart, Chevron, and Cargill).  No members from Congress are included on these committees.

19.  Foreign companies would be able to sue the U.S. government (in a secret tribunal composed of trade lawyers in a jurisdiction of the corporation’s choice) for lost profits, real or imagined; for example, if the U.S. passes a law to protect the environment, public health, or to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.  The rulings made by these secret corporate tribunals cannot be appealed.

In his article “How the Media Deceive the Public About ‘Fast Track’ and the ‘Trade Bills’” (5/21/15,, Tyler Durden points out:

“. . . [T]he ‘Fast Track’ method is actually to require only 50 Senators to vote ‘Yea’ in order for the measure to be approved by the Senate, whereas the method that is described and required in (Section 2 of) the U.S. Constitution is that the President ‘shall have the Power . . . to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.’  That’s not 50 Senators; it’s 67 Senators that the Constitution requires. . . .

“Getting two-thirds of either house of Congress to vote for a bill is rare and difficult, but it has happened 27 times because the entire process was public and because there was widespread support of each Amendment.  By contrast:  Obama’s proposed trade treaties are still secret. . . .

“A President doesn’t ask for ‘Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority’ unless he is going to be presenting to the Congress a treaty that is so horrible for the American people that only few members of either the House or the Senate would vote for it – the bill needs ‘Fast Track’ in order for it to be able to pass. . . .

It’s not a minor matter; it’s the biggest matter in President Obama’s entire Presidency:  it’s about scandalously bad international treaties with many nations at once in which international corporations . . . will be handed our national and democratic sovereignty over labor rights, consumer rights, environmental rights, and investors’ rights – it’s every way that those billionaires can think of to pass off onto the public the harms that they do while keeping for themselves all the benefits of the heads-I-win-tails-you-lose game they’re playing with the U.S. public and that of every other signatory nation.  It’s international fascism . . .”

Dave Hodges adds in his article “America’s Survival Depends on Stopping Jade Helm” (5/22/15,

“For many who cover the misdeeds of the elite, we know at the root of this struggle is the need for the elite to eliminate 90 percent of all humanity before humanity realizes the true nature of the coming agenda and rises up to oppose this tyranny.  In order to accomplish this, the elite need to move from passive soft kill to hard kill methods, and they need to do so very quickly.  In order to accomplish this agenda, complete political control must be realized.  The former beacon of freedom to the world, the United States must be obliterated along with any notion of individual liberties” (p.3).

Americans are being marginalized through immigration and refugee/resettlement as a first step towards depopulation” (Ibid., emphasis added).

“The U.S. Army, in particular, has been busy working on recruitment efforts aimed at illegal alien young adults as part of Obama’s various executive initiatives to fast-track them into citizenship . . .” (“U.S. Army accelerating recruitment of young soldiers who are willing to violate the Constitution,” p.1, 5/22/15,  For instance, the article, “Threat Level High in Oklahoma and Texas as Quiet Invasion Takes Place . . .” (10/10/15,, shows that Obama is quietly transporting over 18,000 ISIS members on buses to Rush Springs, Oklahoma from Mexico through Texas.  The Border Patrol has been ordered to wave them through.  Once across the border, their first step is to get U.S. citizenship papers etc.  So, the invasion has begun while we all have our eyes on Syria.  Rush Springs is strategically located in the center of the country from which ISIS can fan out and begin their depopulation scheme.

While Congress seems thrilled by the idea of ratifying bills and treaties without reading them, Congressmen may just vote themselves out of their job as Congress will no longer be needed.  The President would be a dictator under the TPP, no longer restrained by our Constitution.  The TPP would turn governments over to private corporate interests – which is why it is being done in secret.  While they want to outlaw regulations on themselves, they don’t want the masses to have the same freedom from regulations (see for example “A Law For You But Not For Me,” 8/12/13,  Corporate “too-big-to-fail” executives would advise the President, not Congress. 

Fast Track takes control of the government away from the people and their elected officials and places it in the hands of banksters and corporate executives who feel entitled to run our lives and the world without our input or any restrictions on themselves.  The TPP is even open-ended so that it can gradually “evolve” (be modified) and “mutate” in what is termed “a living agreement” in order to “harmonize” it with the laws and standards of all nations, including Communist China.  In other words, as bad as we know the TPP to be today, corporate executives can modify or add to it later without having to vote on any changes or additions to it.  There would be no checks and balances since the TPP would override all our State and Federal laws (William F. Jasper, “’Living,’ ‘Evolving’ Dangers are Hidden in Obamatrade (TPP & TTIP),” 5/19/15, 

Americans would get the raw end of the deal since our Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot be harmonized with the laws of Communist governments without destroying our own, and we know that the banksters and corporate executives want an international Communist world government.  Any Congressman who voted for it is guilty of treason.  If they are so eager to sell out our government to internationalism/Communism, they should resign and move to  China, Saudi Arabia, or Israel.

As our government was divided into three branches – the legislative, judicial, and executive – for checks and balances to prevent one from usurping all power to itself, so our Constitution authorized the people to be armed in the event that the checks and balances in government were ever dismantled or destroyed.  However, we have another “bargaining chip” left when Congress and the courts no longer listen to the people or honor their oath of office (see the article “The UNITED STATES Corporation and Mr. Obama have a REAL PROBLEM,” 4/15/12,  Michael Connelly, a Constitutional attorney, reminds us that the Supreme Court ruled in 1957 that no treaty, even if signed by the President and ratified by the Senate, can override the protection of individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution to Americans.

Let us remember what Benjamin Franklin stated:  “In free governments, the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns.”


----- Original Message -----
From:  PJ
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 11:22 AM
Subject: The TPP